Clay Aiken – Top Rating


to the

National Inclusion Project!

The following announcement was posted on their

website on October 5th.


Charity Navigator gives National Inclusion Project Four Stars!

On behalf of Charity Navigator, I wish to congratulate National Inclusion Project on achieving our coveted 4-star rating for sound fiscal management.

As the nonprofit sector continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, savvy donors are demanding more accountability, transparency and quantifiable results from the charities they choose to support with their hard-earned dollars. In this competitive philanthropic marketplace, Charity Navigator, America’s premier charity evaluator, highlights the fine work of efficient charities such as your own, and provides donors with essential information needed to give them greater confidence in the charitable choices they make.

Based on the most recent financial information available, we have calculated a new rating for your organization. We are proud to announce National Inclusion Project has earned our 4-star rating for its ability to efficiently manage and grow its finances. Approximately a quarter of the charities we evaluate have received our highest rating, indicating that National Inclusion Project executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America. This “exceptional” designation from Charity Navigator differentiates National Inclusion Project from its peers and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust.

Forbes, Business Week, and Kiplinger’s Financial Magazine, among others, have profiled and celebrated our unique method of applying data-driven analysis to the charitable sector. We evaluate ten times more charities than our nearest competitor and currently attract more visitors to our website than all other charity rating groups combined, thus making us the leading charity evaluator in America. Our irrefutable data shows that users of our site gave more than they planned to before viewing our findings, and in fact, it is estimated that last year Charity Navigator influenced over $10 billion in charitable gifts.

We believe our service will enhance your organization’s fundraising and public relations efforts. Our favorable review of National Inclusion Project’s fiscal health will be visible on our website as of October 1st.

We wish you the best in all of your charitable endeavors.


Ken Berger
President & Chief Executive Officer

Press here to see the report on the National Inclusion Project.

The following video is a wonderful look at the National Inclusion Project.  Thank you, LovesClaysVoice……..the video is so special!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

13 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Top Rating

  1. This is an incredible accomplishment for Clay Aiken and all those who work so hard for his foundation, the National Inclusion Project! Hopefully this rating will bring more attention to NIP which, in turn, will mean more donations and support for the foundation. The good works done by NIP deserve this recognition, and it's sound fiscal management make the National Inclusion Project a worthy recipient of this 4-star rating!!

  2. A big, loud, Way To Go! to the National Inclusion Project. They are doing a great job and I am so proud to support them.

  3. Wheeee! Totally awesome news for the National Inclusion Project!! so worthy of recognition for all the ongoing good works done.

    Congratulations Clay Aiken and the National Inclusion Project!!

  4. Wonderful article and wonderful news! This cause is so close to Clay Aiken's heart. It is so good to see it succeed so well. The NIP, formerly BAF, is so young to have achieved so much. May the Project continue to thrive and provide it's services for many years and many clients.

  5. This is great news for NIP. It shows that children are FIRST to both Clay and the Project. And he has made his dream come true with the work the Project continues to do for children. That is what was so important to Clay from the beginning of his journey of being an entertainer: the power to make people award of those in need.

  6. What a great article! Who could even doubt that any charity that Clay Aiken is involved with would be run in a totally aboveboard and successful manner. It wonderful to see this confirmed by a well thought of Charity Evaluator.

  7. The accomplishments of Clay Aiken and this highlights all of them. Having a well run charity with the money going to the right place is commendable.

  8. This is great news for Clay and the National Inclusion Project! I am so very proud of Clay and everyone involved with this wonderful foundation. Thank you for including my montage! Clay has indeed seen the power of his dream!

  9. This is such wonderful news. The operating expenses are very low so most all the money goes to help fund the programs for the children. Clay has created a very well run foundation in just a few short years. What an accomplishment for him and the others involved with the project. Again, I am so proud to be a fan of Clay Aiken. Like the saying goes-came for the voice, stayed for the man. He is a very good man and his foundation is just one of the worthwhile activities he is involved in that demonstrates this.

  10. This is such a wonderful accomplishment for the National Inclusion Project to receive. Being rated so highly on their fiscal management bodes very well for their future. It is a charity that people can put their trust in when they donate and know the money will go to help the disabled children.

    I congratulate everyone who works in the National Inclusion Project for their dedicated work in accomplishing this. I am proud to be a fan of Clay Aiken…and to support this wonderful charity.

    I will always be a supporter of this worthy cause for as long as my pocket allows me to!!!

  12. This is a confirmation of what we all know. It’s great to have an official acknowledgement made by a third party!

    Clay is not just about buidling a career in entertainment. With that comes the opportunity to give back. He has done it over and over again. Proud supporter here.

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