You must read this wonderful blog. It is Clay at his best!!
Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain
I read Clay Aiken's blog!! He's got a lot to say today!! Loved it!!
Clay Aiken blogged. OMG, been waiting for this for a long time.
and oh what a blog it is!! It is pure Clay at his best! So random!
It looks like 2010 is going to be a great year for Clay and his fans worldwide! Ain't no stopping us now. B)
I really lover the blog. It made my day!!
I love seeing those words! And what a great blog it is.
Loved the Clay Aiken blog, it made my day !
Clay Aiken sure gives good blog! Loved all the information he put in it.
Love those two words, "He blogged."
That Clay Aiken really is something–I will take table scraps any day.
A little late…but Just had to say how much I loved reading that blog. Oh my, maybe some PBS. Can't wait for 2010.