Clay Aiken – Down To One More Stop

Thanks to all the photographers for these beautiful pictures of Clay Aiken.

I am going to post some of the photos that I found today.  That is all today since I am watching the information coming in from Japan.  I have family in Japan and we are all watching closely and hoping we can get in touch with them soon.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Down To One More Stop

  1. I'm praying for your family and all the people in Japan affected by this horrible disaster. I hope they're ok.

  2. Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures once again Musicfan.

    On a sad note…I am praying for all, who is affected by this Earthquake and Tsunami… Musicfan, I hope you hear from your family soon…and all is ok…. I hope you are ok on the west coast as well…Please be careful…You are in my thoughts and prayers…..

  3. Prayers for all affected by the weather. This has been quite a winter. Gratefully, only one of Clay Aiken's tour dates had to be cancelled because of weather …. darn …. Memphis. Each of these concerts have been unique and totally enjoyable for the audience. On to San Francisco.

  4. This has been a wonderful tour despite weather and booking problems. Clay's voice has held with all the vocally demanding songs he has sung. He has a unique voice and is a stunning entertainer!!

  5. I have enjoyed the concerts I have seen and never has Clay Aiken's voice been stronger. He was born to perform and can't wait for the next step of his journey. Everyone in the path of this weather, stay safe.

  6. Clay is such a generous person to allow all the clack and videos for his fans. As he says, having clack does not keep people away–the videos just make you want to see him in person even more! Enjoy looking at the pictures and videos even though I was lucky enough to see him in more than one concert.

  7. Can't believe we have only one concert left of T&T. It seemed to go so fast, just like his performances each night. The Clack has been wonderful. Thank you Clay Aiken for letting us have our Clack.

    musicfan, prayers for your family in Japan.

  8. I also watch his clack on here, But that is what made me want to go see him in a live performance..and I did I went to Orlando and it was terrfic ..I wanted to go to the timeless tour with Ruben and him last year , but was unable to get there.

  9. Great photos–how could they not be–they are of Clay Aiken!!

    Prayers for all who were affected by the tsunami.

    Wishing Clay lots of love and success as he completes his tour tomorrow night.

  10. Prayers to all who were affected by the Tsunami.

    Loved the photo's. Are you trying to kill us? Lol! Especially #3 and #7.

    Hope everyone has a great time on the last show of the tour. Make sure you wave those glowlights.

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