Clay Aiken Visits Billy Elliot

Sometimes, Twitter is our friend.  On Saturday night, the following two tweets were posted.

Tweet- @RickyWorley – Brevard, NC

Clay Aiken is in front of us at Billy Elliot

On Air M-F @ 3p / Sat @ 9p / Sun @ 6p / WSQL Radio Executive Producer / Director of Online Media and Promotions / Traffic Director

Tweet – @BroadwaySpotted – On Broadway

@BroadwaySpotted Clay Aiken in the audience at @BillyElliot tonight.

When the show was over, Rickey sent the following picture over twitter.  It is always good to see Clay looking rested and happy.

Twice a year, around March 20 or 21 and September 22 or 23, the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of the world. These two days are known as the March (vernal or spring in the northern hemisphere) equinox and the September equinox.

In the northern hemisphere the March equinox marks the start of spring and has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth. Many cultures and religions celebrate or observe holidays and festivals around the time of the March equinox, such as the Easter holiday period.

So…Happy Spring!   The vernal equinox occurs tonight at 7:21 p.m. EDT

For those of us who live in the San Francisco Bay area it is hard to think that it is the first day of spring.  We are in the middle of one of the biggest storms of the year…..Does spring mean, high winds, thunder, lightning, hail and funnel clouds??

Perhaps those who live in other parts of the country, you can see the signs of spring.  From the budding of the trees and the warming of the temperatures to the animals coming out of their winter hideouts, there seems to be a promise of new birth and color in the springtime air.

Has anyone ever told you that you can balance a raw egg on end on the first day of spring?  They think that somehow the pull of gravity is more equal on this day because the sun is more directly overhead. There is no scientific support for this.  The egg legend apparently got its start in 1945 when a reporter for Life Magazine wrote a story about a Chinese ritual in which people stood eggs on end on the first day of spring.  But the Chinese recognized the first day of spring in early February, or about six weeks before the spring equinox!  Later, in 1983, one hundred New Yorkers got together on March 20 to balance eggs, and an article about the event appeared in the New Yorker magazine. A year later, five thousand New Yorkers repeated the tradition on the first day of spring, and the egg legend grew.

The truth is that if you can get a raw egg to balance upright on the spring equinox, you can get it to balance any other day of the year. The pull of gravity or the position of the sun in the sky has nothing to do with it.  So don’t spread this unscientific rumor, or you’ll end up with egg on your face!

Celebrate the first day of spring by planting new life, new ideas and new goals. Spring is a time for hope, fertile ground and planning ahead. It’s especially important to celebrate the first day of spring with young children and to give them an appreciation for the little things that they can do to effect change in their lives.

Spring brings hope and as Clay Aiken fans, we have many hopes.

First, we hope that Clay is enjoying spring with his family and friends and that his life is full of love and laughs.

Secondly, we hope that we will know some of the new adventures in Clay’s professional life “soon.”

And lastly, we hope that “soon” we will be back on the road with our friends, traveling to see Clay.  Everybody needs to experience Clay in person and see the magic first-hand.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

7 thoughts on “Clay Aiken Visits Billy Elliot

  1. Glad Clay is getting some rest and having some fun. I agree, I hope he will let us know whats next for him very soon. I can't wait to see. 🙂

  2. Clay Aiken is enjoying his time off from 2 months of performing. I hope he is relaxing as the picture shows he looks wonderful.
    FYI , March 21 is the Iranian New Year called NOWRUZ (meaning new day), lets hope the new year will bring us and Clay good fortune. 😀

  3. Clay looks great…………great hair…..and not the "rooster do" we saw in concert. But, I would give anything to see that "rooster do" in concert sooner rather than later! 🙂

  4. So glad to see a picture of Clay. He looks so good…and I love his hair. Spring certainly has sprung. Like Clay's song "Something About Us," you can see it in our tree' can see it in the warm breezes…There's just something about Spring.

    Here's to hoping that Clay is enjoying the Springtime with little Parker..and enjoying some time for himself. When he is ready..we will all know what he is up to. Can't wait.

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