It is always great to read positive things about Clay Aiken. On Monday, the fun website, Your Tango, published an article titled, “6 Coolest Gay Celebrity Dads. From Neil Patrick Harris to Clay Aiken, these dads aren’t shy about embracing fatherhood.”
Kayda Norman, the writer of the article said the following about Clay:
Clay Aiken. Though the former American Idol contestant may not have been quite as vocal about fatherhood as others on this list, the birth of his son did give him courage to come out of the closet.
“I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn’t raised that way, and I’m not going to raise a child to do that,” Clay said (via, about a month after his son was born.
And rather than go the route of adoption or surrogate, the singer and his good friend Jaymes Foster used artificial insemination to bring about son Parker Foster Aiken. More than anything, Clay strives to raise his son in a loving environment, which, in our opinion, makes him one of the coolest dads out there.
Thank you, Kayda for writing an article that is both accurate and respectful. Be sure and visit the site to read then entire article and be sure and leave a comment to let Kayda know you appreciate her article. Cool Dads
This is just a reminder that the general admission tickets to the National Inclusion Project Champions Gala go on sale today, Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at noon EST.
The following is the schedule for the event.
Champions Gala – October 22, 2011 at 5:30pm
Evening Activities:
- Honoree Recognition
- Dinner
- Silent and Live Auctions
- Entertainment by Clay Aiken
It is still possible to get VIP tickets to the event. The VIP tickets include a special reception on October 21st.
It would be wonderful to have a sold-out event. It’s a win-win situation. The National Inclusion Project wins by raising needed funds and the participants win by learning more about the Project and having a fabulous time!!
Here at CANN, some of our readers have asked about leaving comments at the daily articles. So…I hope I can answer some of your questions.
First. anyone can leave a comment. Click on the number that is next to the word comment. The word and number are found at both the top and bottom of the article. You must be on the home page to see the comment numbers. If you don’t see it, push the home button at the top, left corner of the site.
Next, there will be a comment box to type in your comment. You need to fill in whatever name you want to show on the site plus an e-mail address (we don’t show it). Then, just hit “Submit Comment.” It is real easy!!
Don’t forget that I approve each comment so what you write might not show up immediately. I have chosen to approve the comments because I want CANN to be a positive place that supports Clay Aiken. Your comments don’t have to agree with me, and I encourage discussion. However, if you choose to write derogatory comments about Clay, they will not be approved.
Again, a huge “thank you” for all your support!! If you have any suggestions or ideas for articles, please e-mail me at:
What a great article. I know Clay is trying to be the best father he can be. I wish we could see pictures of Parker growing up but that's part of Clay being a good Dad, keeping him protected from the tabloids. That's what a father does!
Clay is definitely a cool Dad. Parker is so lucky to have both Clay and Jaymes as loving parents. I love how Clay tries his best to protect Parker from his world, and wants him to have a loving and normal life. Although I would love to see what Parker looks like now…I totally understand the reasonings behind it.
I love seeing the smiles on both Clay and Jaymes. They look so happy. I can understand their wanting privacy for their child. It's a tough/cruel world out there. Clay and Jaymes are the coolest even though I selfishly would like to see what Parker looks like now.
Clay and Jaymes are great parents and I am glad to see Clay recognized this way. As much as I would like to see a picture of Parker, I respect Clay and Jaymes for keeping him out of the limelight so that he can enjoy a normal childhood.
I agree that Parker is a lucky little guy that has two loving parents. I would bet that Clay and Jaymes are both "COOL" parents!!
The write-up was nice and respectful….how nice.
I will be at the Gala so I am excited. I do hope that we see Clay some place before that time.
Thanks for the nice blog!!
Your first article put a big smile on my face. It's nice for Clay to be "cool" for a change.
I wish I could go to the gala but I won't be able to attend.
I loved today's collage of Parker with his mom and dad alongside him.
Gotta love digital photos and the magic of Photoshop.
What a great and positive article. The kind I like to read. Clay and Jaymes are COOL parents. I would love to see a picture of Parker so much….but, I too, respect them not wanting him out there so he can enjoy a normal life. I have that People Magazine…and I think Parker looks so adorable and Clay has that very proud father look on his face. So happy for both of them.