Clay Aiken – A Couple of Videos + One

The following two + 1 videos were just posted on YouTube by clayphan76 .  This lucky lady lives in NY and was able to catch the Celebrity Apprentice Crew.  She posted that the teams were doing a project for Buick.  SHe also said it was raining hard.  It seems the paparazzi was out there in force today.

Thanks, clayphan76 for sharing all of this with us.   ENJOY!!



Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

12 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Couple of Videos + One

  1. My Thanks,too, Clayphan. Glad to see Clay walking and working the streets of NYC.
    Musicfan, thx for posting these for all the Clay Fans that don't have the outlets that we have. You do a wonderful service for the whole Fandom.

  2. I so appreciate the videos of Clay! Thanks so much Clayphan. I hope the men are winning big time!

  3. Looks like Clay is doing alright so far. He's moving with a definite spring to his step. And of course he is looking mighty fine too. Everything seems to be happening at a rapid pace. Hopefully those on his team are in sync, so that they can win their tasks handily.

    Nice that you posted the videos. Keeps us in the loop. Thanks!

  4. Thanks for the videos Clayphan! And thanks for posting Musicfan! I really enjoyed watching them, the third video is my favorite 🙂

  5. Love seeing this and getting so excited. Clayphan76 you are adding to the excitment with these
    videos! Clay is looking good and sure will be cheering, for him – "big time"!! Thank you so much
    to you and MusicFan too!

  6. Love the sightings, thanks to Clayphan for going the extra mile for all of us. Clay looks good and seems to be doing fine. Whats in the box?

  7. Thanks Clayphan for standing in the rain to bring us these videos of Clay. We can't thank you enough! Thanks to musicfan for keeping us up to date on the goings on with Clay.

  8. A huge thanks to Clayphan for the videos and thanks to CANN for sharing them. I'm so glad Clay is still in it to win it.

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