Clay Aiken – Do You Remember

Do you remember what you were doing on March 12th, 2010? For many Clay Aiken fans, this date will bring back memories of the taping of the PBS special at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. The concert, lovingly called the “OMG” Concert was the beginning of a year of wonderful live music, a new CD and DVD and many PBS specials on TV.

I was lucky enough to attend the “OMG” concert two years ago. I looked up what I wrote about the concert and thought I would share it with you.

Clay Aiken’s back in town and he is better than ever! Tonight’s concert was beyond the wildest expectations of the fans in attendance.

The concert was polished, professional and classy. Clay’s voice was phenomenal on the fresh arrangements of the timeless classics.

Clay opened the show with a rousing rendition of Mack The Knife and closed the show with a poignant version of Moon River. Each song chosen for the program allowed Clay to showcase his wonderful voice. It is amazing how his voice soared on the variety of songs. Each one highlighted his versatility and range.

It was a treat to see Ruben and Clay together again. I had forgotten what a beautiful voice Ruben has. The surprise of the evening was the guest appearance of Linda Eder who is one of the best female vocalists performing today. Linda joined Clay in singing the song, Crying. Clay announced that Linda recorded the song with him for his new album.

The evening was beyond even the highest expectations. I wish that every one of you could have been there to celebrate this wonderful performance.

Attending this concert in Raleigh was one of the most exciting nights I can remember.  It is still close to the top of the list.  One of the magic moments was hearing Clay sing Unchained Melody.  The arrangement by Ben Cohn was amazing and Clay really made the song his own!  And I will always remember the wonderful tribute to Clay’s teachers.  There is just something special about Clay Aiken.  His heart is filled with love and respect of those who have helped him grow into an outstanding young man!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

11 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Do You Remember

  1. I was there also. T he most wonderful memory was hearing UM at the dress rehearsal and saying to Clay how much I thought it was t he most phenomenal/ .version EVER

  2. I was there, too ! Your description was so true. It was my first trip to Raleigh and it was 3 mo. after
    having a total hip-replacement. What a perfect way to heal!!! Thank you for helping me to remember an amazing night – one that only Clay could provide! It happened again in Dec. at the
    Gala – perfection!

  3. I wish I could have been there for the taping but my TnT DVD is one of my favorites in my Clay Collection. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it. Truly Clay at his best.

  4. Hard to believe it's been 2 years. Thanks for posting your review from that night Musicfan. I was there as well, and loved the concert. Of course, when Clay sang "Unchained Melody" and hit THAT note… It took us all by surprise, and I will never forget being "overwhelmed" by a note in my life. We all looked stunned and totally amazed by it. WHAT A NIGHT INDEED!!!!!!

  5. I really enjoyed watching those two video's again. They both brought a tear to my eye. I have the DVD also…and, I must watch it again on my new Large Screen HD TV. I was not at that concert..but, I saw him sing all of those songs at the TnT Concert here in Florida. I also listen to my CD every day when I go for my daily walk. Still love every song on it. Now, I can't wait to get my hands on the Steadfast CD.

  6. It is hard to believe it has been 2 years since that wonderful OMG concert. It ranks up there in my top 5 favorite Clay performances. I loved watching the videos. They brought back some good memories of that night spent with my favorite singer and good friends. Thanks so much for writing a column on the 2nd anniversary of that awesome show.

  7. My sister and I watch the Tried and True live concert every night. It is so incredible. We think everyone in the world should see it, but we don't let anyone borrow it because we don't want to let it out of our sight!

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