Clay Aiken – A Fashion Statement!


So…after a very busy week-end with family, I am glad that there is some fun “Clack” to post.

Back in 2003/2004, I had a black leather jacket that I wore a lot.  It was all the style and I felt classy when I wore it.  I guess I wasn’t the only on that liked black leather jackets.  Clay Aiken had a photo shoot in a leather jacket.  Yes, it was 2003 and somehow Clay made it a great fashion statement!

Remember, if you click on the picture, you can see it in its original size!


Do you have a favorite?

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13 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Fashion Statement!

  1. Mercy gracious! I've never seen 6 of the 7 photos on here! That man has always been and will continue to be a cutie pie! The first picture is my favorite! Gave me the vapahs! lol Very nice!!!!

  2. Musicfan, I hardly ever have a favorite, because I love them all. Too hard to choose! Thanks for making the start of my day a good one!!

  3. Yes, definitely, it is #3 – Clay looking at me straight on!!!!! But I do like all of the rest of Black Leather
    poses. He always makes a strong statement with those soul revealing eyes!!!

  4. Thank you Musicfan for sharing pictures I haven't seen before and for putting up a set that has a clear winner (for me anyway). Usually I just can't decide but today . . . Number five!

  5. I love them all as well Musicfan and gaymarie. But I am partial to #5 & #6. I don't think I ever saw #6 before. That was a lovely way to wake up.

  6. These photos are almost 10 yrs old. You can tell Clay wasn't comfortable posing for the camera back then. He has come so far from those days. I can't choose just one, he is just so cute!

  7. They are all cute, he is very good looking so when Simon and others say otherwise it is stupid are they bling , What is wrong with his looks is is in the 90 percentile……and I am very serious….

  8. 1 and 5 {James Deanish}are my favs.Clay looks fantabulous! and MusicFan once again u read my mind! was thinking over the weekend Clays sense of fashion and how he should have a clothing line of leather jackets, pjs, and striped shirts and socks.and he could be like Elvis and wipe his brow and throw the hankie to an adoring fan{ME}

  9. I believe these are shots from the Kevin Kees photo shoot. Did you know that several years ago Kevin took 5 selected photos and offered, I believe, 250 of each as a fund raiser for the then Bubel/Aiken Foundation.
    I was one of the very few who was very lucky to have gotten one. I was thrilled when a few years ago Clay signed it for me. It is one of my prize items in my collection. I even went full out and had it professionally framed….was a little worried when I left it!! LOL
    PS..thanks for posting them even though I do not see the one I have!!

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