Clay Aiken – Close Up


People Magazine and their website, have reported many times on Clay Aiken.  He has been on the cover of the magazine many times and for years, his name pops up in the magazine for the smallest bit of news.

One of the features in the magazine and the website, is called Star Tracks.  It is a section where they post pictures of different celebrities with a short “blurb” on the picture.  In the website, sometimes they will run a slide show of one star and show different things that they feel are important about the celebrity.

On November 4, 2004, ran a slide show featuring Clay Aiken.  It had 16 pictures and each one was great.  The following are some of the pictures that were a part of the slideshow.

Did you see this photo album when it was on

Which picture is your favorite?


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

14 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Close Up

  1. Every single one is a favorite – guess if I really had to choose – Kid Friendly would be #1 and
    Studio Magic – #2!

  2. All the pictures are great but that first one where Clay has that mischievous glint in his eyes….sigh. 🙂

    People has been good to Clay and I always try to buy every issue he is in.

  3. Really hard to choose, but maybe 1 and 6, they're all gorgeous! Thanks Musicfan for the wonderful photos xox.

  4. I choose the final pic, #15, as my favorite. It's such fun to see Clay's transformation side by side. It so reminds me of the first time I laid eyes on Clay….his AI audition. When he said, "Ah'm the American Idol!", I thought, "shooooor you are, kid!", and expected a humorous audition. As you all know, he opened his mouth to sing and love filled the air. What a life-changing moment for me!

  5. Great variety of meaningful pictures. My two favorites are: Kid Friendly (sixth picture down) and Studio Magic (third picture down). They aptly epitomize two of Clay's true loves – caring about/advocating for children and the other – singing his heart out.

  6. They all are great!4, 6, 15,and16 are tops. Clay was a really cute 2 yr old.and when he holds a child he glows like an angel. in the Disney pic hes Prince Charmingand his inner beauty has always shown through, He could have played Harry Potter. Move over Rupert!Maybe someone can write a play where Harry grows up to be a fam okuns crooner, actor, activist, author, and UN Ambassador.

  7. I like the "Kid Friendly" photo. That is Clay at his best…taking care of kids. I don't remember seeing this article when it came out, but was happy to read it now. How far Clay has come!

  8. I like pictures 1 and 6 the best but they are all show a part of who Clay is and was. Thanks for posting all of them. I did not see that People I don't believe. I am especially glad to see them all now.

  9. I also like #1 and #6 the best for totally different reasons. I had forgotten all about the photo Clay had taken with Beyonce. It was great seeing all these photos again.

  10. All these pictures are great, but I do love watching Clay interacting with the kids. He's in his element when he's with the kids. I guess it's the teacher in him. There are just so many facets of Clay Aiken. So much depth. Singer, humanitarian, comedian, actor, entertainer…he's got it all!!!!!

    Thanks for posting all of these again Musicfan…

  11. Oh my….#1 and #15 are my favorites! Goodness at those eyes. I also love the pics of him with the children …what a heart the man has 🙂

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