Happy February
It’s the month of
Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, The Super Bowl, Groundhog Day
Black History Month
Thursday evening, a short but fun mention of Clay Aiken was posted on the internet.
From PopWatch:
Samm Levine reveals his ‘Lost’ fan moment and ‘Idol’ secret in EW’s Pop Culture Personality Test
by Sandra Gonzales
TV episode that you can’t purge from your DVR.
Oh, this is going to sound so ridiculous, but I’m so glad you asked me: The performance episode of season 2 of American Idol because Clay Aiken is so incredible.
I’m a huge Idol fan, and I do this with my friends every year — before they announce who wins, I literally pause the DVR and I go back and make them watch Clay’s performance of “Bridge over Troubled Water.”
I’m not kidding, I have this song on my iPod because it is so good. Like, I ripped it from the video so I could have it.
Right?! Honest to God, I’m always like, ‘See that? None of these people deserve to win. I don’t care which of these guys is the winner. They’re not that good.’
To read the entire article and learn more about Samm Levine, click on POPWATCH
I think this is a fun mention. Now I am going to have to watch Samm Levine!! AND, thanks to SueReu, for finding this article!
Clay Aiken seems to have many fans that are women. They range in age from pre-teens to grandmothers. Each one should be wearing red today.
Today is National Wear Red Day, a part of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women movement, and is a simple, but powerful, way to call attention to heart disease and stroke.
This year celebrates the 10th anniversary of National Wear Red Day. Since the first event, 21 percent fewer women are dying from heart disease and nearly a quarter more recognize that it’s their number-one health threat.
The Go Red for Women movement strives to educate women about their risk for heart disease and stroke, how to recognize signs of a heart attack or stroke and how to live healthier lives in an attempt to prevent heart disease and stroke.
So, today, don’t just wear red; ask yourself if you’re treating your heart the way you should be. If you don’t know your cholesterol or blood pressure numbers, make your doctor’s appointment today.
The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Web site has an incredible amount of information.
How smart the founders of this project were to choose the month of February to celebrate the day. After all, February is well-known for being the month of love.
That makes me think of love songs…..especially love songs sung by Clay Aiken.
Musicfan! Don't forget that it's also Mardi Gras season! People down here in the South are always at a dilemma when it's early. Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday falls on February 12th this year. One day we wear red and the next day we wear green, purple and gold! I luuuuuuv "Something About Us". He does sing those love songs with his heart doesn't he? By the way, I WILL be wearing RED today to celebrate the "Go Red for Women Day"!
I'm wearing red too!!
Clay love songs are the best love songs!!
Just beautiful! love those videos, I have his concert video, wish i could have been there but i did not find Clay till a couple of years ago, i listen to his music every day, there's something special about him and his songs. Thanks Musicfan xox.
I'm thrilled that Samm Levine was as taken with Clay's "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" as we all were. Great taste, Samm! I saw him last night on his new T.V.show, "Do No Harm". It was very intriguing and exciting! Tune in and see for yourself. Double pleasure for me, now that I know he's a Clay fan. Any friend of Clay's is a friend of mine.
I'm accidentally all dressed in red today. Happy to see that I'm supporting the AHA.
clay aiken love songs areinded the best love songs im happy and thrilled that samnm levine was taken with clay aiks version of the old sinon and garfunkel song bridge over troubled waters as i was great taste samm oh and by the way my heart is fine
I wore a red shirt today when I went to the gym. Clay's version of BOTW just stops me in my tracks. I still have it on video tape and will never erase it. He can sing any old love song, and make it brand new.
Well, my family always wears red on Fridays b/c of our troops but today we will do it in honor of both.
BOTW was the very first song/video I saw/heard Clay sing in Aug 2010! I am still twitterpated!
That was a cool Clay mention by Samm. There have been some awesome performances on Idol, but BOTW is still the standard for the other contestants to try and attain. I don't think it'll ever happen.