It’s MAY…one of the most beautiful months of the year. Here in California, the wild flowers are blooming and the trees and grass are green. Yes…it’s a time of renewal!
In the last 10 years, Clay Aiken has been very busy in the month of May. I thought it might be fun to see how well we can remember some of his May events.
Can you:
- Name the event
- Remember what year this happened
- Share a moment from the event










How fun…
Well, the 3 easiest for me are #1, 2 and 10. The others, I am thinking on them. Do you want me to post what I think or wait so I don't give the answers away?
I recall where #1 was taken…the rest are a mystery! Many look familiar, but I can't name them.
I know where some of them came from but I couldn’t say the dates. Clay sure is a cutie!
#5 does not look familiar at all. I know I've seen the other appearances, but the details are a little fuzzy for some of them.
some of these are new to me. but I bet #9 is about NIP because those are their colors he has on.I dreamt I was waiting on Clay. NICE DREAM!
For me, the easiest ones are:
1) 2008-Spamalot Closing On The Roof. I can't share a memory b/c I wasn't there. 😐
2) 2004-American Idol 3. Singing "Fantasy" with the Final 4. (Diana DeGarmo, Fantasia Barrino, Jasmine Trias & LaToya London.) The ONLY thing I remember was @ that time I was completely & totally OBSESSED w/ OMC.
4) 2004-The Tonight Show W/ Jay Leno.-Singing The Way or Invisible. Again @ that time, I was OBSESSED w/ OMC!
5) 2003?-American Idol 2. Maybe talking about being in the Finale W/ Ruben? (Not sure on this one.)
7) 2006-2008?-ABC's Good Morning America. Possibly talking about UNICEF? (Again, not completely sure. Sorry!)
9) 2012?-CBS Face The Nation. Possibly talking about gay people? (Not completely sure, again! Sorry!)
10) 2004?-Jimmy Kimmel Live?- Doing a silly skit with a mustache.
If I'm right on ANY of these, score 1 for me, and if I'm not right, Oh, Well! I tried!!!
Love all the pictures wherever theyre from . Hes so lovely to look at..I always read every word you write…about Clay… love him so much…thank you for all the imformation you give us about clay.. and the wonderful pictures you post always gives me such pleasure….and please excuse my terrible spelling……xxxx