On December 8, 2004, NBC aired a Christmas special starring Clay Aiken. The holiday show was an hour long and was filled with intimate performances set in a beautiful Christmas set that was put together as a beautiful family home, decorated with traditional holiday ornaments.
Clay was joined on the stage by musical superstar, Barry Manilow, Gospel singer, Yolanda Adams and actress and singer, Megan Mullally. Clay’s good friend and back-up singer, Quiana Parler was also a featured performer.
There was an interesting twist in the flow of the show. Instead of just showing the final taping, the producers showed some of the backstage workings of putting a show together. The clips showed the cast and crew as they buzzed about between the different parts of the program.
Among the beautiful Christmas decoration, friends and family were seated on the stage to add to the family feel.
Highlights of the program included “Christmas Waltz, “Merry Christmas With Love,” and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. Another favorite part of the show was when the performers talked about some of their unusual gifts.
In the finale, Clay was joined by Barry Manilow and Yolanda Adam as they sang a stirring rendition of “Because It’s Christmas.”
This Christmas special was unique in that it focused on the music and had no skits or jokes. And the idea of having some of the audience members on the stage gave the impression of a big Christmas Party.
Clay was credited as an Executive Producer of the show. A DVD of the program was available and was certified Gold by the RIAA in December, 2005.
Did you watch A Clay Aiken Christmas when it was on TV?
Yes, absolutely and I have the DVD. It was all so beautiful – showed just how classy Clay was and
would continue to be through out the next 10 years – – you just knew it right from the start!!! It was so
exciting watching a star being born!!!
I also watched the special and I have the DVD! Watching the songs again….mmmmm, so so good! So delish! He needs another Christmas special folks!
So much to catch up on- thank goodness for CANN and all the info I get here! Off to Amazon to find a DVD of this program to buy! Love all the "Clay stuff" and Clack! FUN!
Gaymarie, me too. It's time to rewatch it. He should have another Christmas special. Growing up I remember looking forward to the Perry Christmas Special and the Andy Williams Special also. Clay should be doing this every year.
I didn’t get to see it when it first aired but I’ve seen it since. It’s one of the best Christmas specials. Clay’s voice and charm with all his talented guests is fantastic!
Very nice pictures and info. What an exciting time it must have been for Clay.
I watched the show and taped it. Later I bought the DVD but was surprised that Megan Mullally's number was not on the DVD. It was so exciting to see Clay doing that Christmas show and being listed as an executive producer. I'm sure Clay had a lot to do with the content of the program, it was just his style.