Today is Saturday, January 11th. To most people it is just another day, but for CANN…. well…
Today is the 5th Anniversary of CANN!
When CANN was started in 2009, we only had a few goals:
- Keep the public updated on all the Clay Aiken news as it happens.
- Maintain a site that presents Clay in a positive way.
- Present a place where all fans are welcome from all corners of the world.
- Have fun and enjoy being a fan of Clay Aiken.
Deona and I work hard to maintain CANN and we both enjoy presenting this site. We are lucky…we live about 5 miles from each other just north of San Francisco. Deona is a computer wiz. She maintains the site and adds all the bells and whistles…and does it so well that she gets very little credit. She is also a great teacher as she has taught me so much about codes, widgets, Plugins and…patience!
The following are some of the updated facts about CANN:
- We have published 2,287 posts
- There have been 24,513 comments
- Our subscribers list continues to grow
- We are visited by fans from all over the world. We have had visitors from 145 countries!
- We are having fun!
From news about Keala Settle to Joni Mitchell…information on bullying to the latest news on equality… reviews of performances to crazy fan polls, live reporting to exciting memories, I have tried to keep the site interesting and fun.
Of course, our first priority is news about Clay Aiken; however, we have presented news about professional colleagues of Clay, information about the music profession, the newest information on social media, and the latest Broadway news. We also support fund raising at the charities that Clay has said he supports.
As Clay’s interests and direction change, we will change too. We will never forget the past and will always celebrate the important stepping stones in his career. However, we will also continue to report on what he is doing in the present. We will take our lead from Clay and his team and will support him in whatever way that is appropriate.
When I wrote the first article on CANN, I wondered if anyone would read it. I am still amazed that you are here, supporting CANN. I check the Cluster Map each day and love seeing friends from all over the world. It is amazing. CANN has also had some surprising responses from the PR people who represent many of the charities, music businesses and artists that we have covered. It is always fun when you realize people are reading what you write.
For those of you who subscribe and read the daily e-mail, I hope you will stop by the site sometimes. At the bottom of the e-mail, you will see a link that says:
Post from Clay Aiken News Network
If you click on this link, you can see what CANN has to offer. It also gives our site hits that help us in our Google listing. Look around, click on the Cluster Map and see the readership by state and country. It is pretty interesting. And remember, we love to see your comments (just press on the number by the word comment).
A Huge Thank You to all of you!
Your support has been amazing!
A Toast To Clay Aiken!
May 2014 Be The Best Year Yet!
congratulations, CANN! mabuhay (long live)!
Mabuhay! Nice to see a familiar word. Are you posting from the Philippines? I live in NJ. Nice to see you here.
hello to a fellow pinay. yes, from las pinas. a long way from the clayworld.
Hi, Deona and Musicfan, thank you ladies so much for all the news that you bring us, we are very grateful and hope you will continue to do so even if Clay seeks a new career, we always look forward to any news about Clay, he's very special to us and ladies, you are doing a great job!
Congratulations Deona and Musicfan for all the news you post, look forward to it every day, thanks!
Congratulations on your 5th anniversary! I do get the email everyday but I visit the site to make a comment or to watch a video. I appreciate all the work that you and Deona are doing for the fans. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations CANN! Here’s to all the hard work you guys do. It’s going to be interesting to see what adventure Clay will take us on next. Glad you’re here to cover it!
CANN has been a wonderful way to start my day each morning! I have found it very interesting and informative and certainly appreciate all the effort that is put into writing it. Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary!
Made a comment , but didn't show up.
The Clay Aiken News Network has brought joy, information on many subjects, worldwide attention to all things Clay and friendships over these many years. Congratulations to Deona & musicfan for their tireless, outstanding work. Looking forward to many more years of reading the daily CANN posts.
Congratulations!!! I look forward to CANN every day!!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Congratulations and Happy 5th Anniversary!! I love getting all the latest news from your site and your sending emails is priceless. Many, many thanks for all your hard work, and I look forward to following CANN into the future as Clay flies in a new direction…
Happy 5th anniversary to CANN.
Job well done . Thank you , CANN !
Congrats on 5 wonderful years! Have loved reading your posts so a big thank you for all the hard work you both put into it.
Happy 5th! You're doing a great job keeping us fans informed about our favorite singer. I think 2014 is going to be an exciting year for us.
Thanks for all you do!
cann thanks much and happy 5th your doing such a verry incredable amazing job keepinjg us clay fans up to date on what clay is doing many thanks for yourhard and detacated work i hope that 2014 will find this web site with more news videos
Happy 5th anniversary CANN!!
Congratulations!! Both of you ladies have done so good on this site and it is a joy to be able to say
Thank you and a <3 Happy 5th Anniversary <3 to you! May you both continue to bring all of this great
information to us Clayfans. You are greatly appreciated!
Thank you both of you ladies for everything. Love reading on here.HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
Happy Anniversary CANN, thank you for all you do, musicfan and deona. Love CANN. I am glad when I started in 2009 I found this website! Wonderful place to be. Great work.
Congrats on 5 great years of keeping us informed!! I do appreciate all the help you have extended to me over the years…keep up the good work. You may be embarking on a whole new aspect of Clay's career! I will miss the music and his great humor!
Hugs to you and everyone out there! Cookie
Congratulations and Happy 5th Anniversary! Thank you so much for all the work you have done Deona and Musicfan. I've just recently discovered this site and have been an avid subscriber ever since. I have learned a lot about Clay through you from half a world away. I wish I can meet and hear him sing in person someday. Hope he continues to sing even though he's planning on a different career path now…