Clay Aiken – A Snowy Workplace!

I saw this beautiful picture of The U.S. Capitol Building in the snow and thought it might be the way it looks today.  Washington D.C. has had a lot of snow the last few days and I found this picture to be very beautiful!

The United States Capitol is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. It has housed the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate for two centuries. The Capitol, which was started in 1793, has been through many construction phases. It stands today as a monument to the American people and their government.

Today, the Capitol covers a ground area of 175,170 square feet and has a floor area of about 16.5 acres. In addition to its use by Congress, the Capitol is a museum of American art and history. It stands as a focal point of the government’s legislative branch and as a centerpiece of Capitol Hill and the National Mall.

I know that next November is a long way off, but I couldn’t help but think that this beautiful building could be the workplace for Clay Aiken in a few months!  Wow, just WOW!

I have had many people write and ask how they could get onto the Clay Aiken Official Fan Club.  Many mentioned that they were still members or that they needed to renew their membership.

Renewals are now being accepted at the OFC. Click on “store” to renew. Then click in the left box that says renewals.

You cannot purchase a new membership but can renew.

Remember, do NOT use your bookmarked address…type in

And, if you are still having issues, you can call 877-463-2875

I look forward to getting more news from Clay.

I would imagine he is very busy trying to meet and talk to as many people in his district as he can!

Remember, any news will be posted here as soon as we get it!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

4 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Snowy Workplace!

    • It works for me…a box appears that says featured in the upper left corner…the box ha a picture of Clay in the leather jacket from Tried and True. Click on the box!

  1. Thanks Musicfan, I finally got to renew my membership for OFC and was able to read Clay's new blog, it was great! Love the pics of Clay! xo

  2. Love the photo of Clay really listening to the older gentleman. Clay is so tall! He may have been snowed/iced in yesterday in NC and not had the opportunity to leave the house.

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