Clay Aiken – “Knows The Issues And Knows What People Are Going Through.”

Gary Pearce and Carter Wrenn write a popular blog titled, Talking About Politics.  Gary Pearce is a Democrat.    Carter Wrenn is a Republican.  

Both men have been active in politics for many years.  According to their blog,  they have directed eleven successful statewide campaigns for Governor, Senator and President.

On Thursday morning, Gary posted a new blog about Clay Aiken.

Achin’ for Clay

Carter said a “celebrity” campaign was different. Now I get it. Working with Clay Aiken is unlike any campaign I’ve seen.
Aiken starts with the most valuable quality a candidate can have today. He is a genuine political outsider in a time when voters are disgusted with politics. And he has near-universal name recognition. He doesn’t have to buy that on TV.
His challenge as a candidate is – or, was – different. Call it the WTF Factor. As in “Clay Aiken for Congress? WTF?” People know who he is, but is he qualified?
Aiken put that to rest in his five-minute announcement video. It has been viewed more than 600,000 times. Then he walked a gauntlet of interviews in the state and national media. When people hear him and talk to him, they realize he knows the district, knows the issues and knows what people are going through.
Now he’s on a roll. People react to him like to no other politician. I saw it last weekend at the College Dems/Young Dems convention and at Lillian’s List this week. The room buzzes when he comes in. People watch him. They take his measure. They want to take pictures with him.
Aiken seizes that moment. He takes their cell phone and snaps a selfie with them. Now, “#selfieswithclay” is a thing.
All this explains why he has a 20-point lead in the Democratic primary. And why the DCCC has put this race on the radar. And why Renee Ellmers suddenly looks spooked.

Yes…Clay is a celebrity, but he is an intelligent man, a hard worker, and someone who wants to make a difference!  Please visit Gary’s blog.  Clicks on the blog are important and it is a way to acknowledge the writer and let him know we appreciate reading his thoughts.  AND…a positive comment always makes the writer feel good!  You can read Gary’s blog by clicking on GARYPEARCE

~~~~~ published a short mention of Clay this morning: People’s Biz: 2nd Dist Dem candidate Clay Aiken in Spring Lake tonight

Singer Clay Aiken, one of this year’s three 2nd Congressional Democratic candidates, is scheduled to be in Spring Lake at 5:30 p.m. today for Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event. This is at the Holiday Inn Express on Bragg Blvd in Spring Lake.

There are rumors he will be near Fayetteville earlier in the day, but his spokeswoman wouldn’t provide details, saying he has private meetings.

Aiken faces former N.C. Commerce Secretary Keith Crisco and counselor Toni Morris in the May 6 primary. They aim to replace Republican incumbent Renee Ellmers.

This article by Paul Woolverton can be seen at FAYOBSERVER.  Please let Paul know that you read his article.


Did you see watch The Today Show this morning? If so, maybe you saw a shot of Clay’s Open Door Video.

The Today Show featured a segment about the new Supreme Court decision about campaign contributions.  A quick clip of Clay’s ad appeared.

As always, I will update this blog when new information is available.

Please check back!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – “Knows The Issues And Knows What People Are Going Through.”

  1. How great to see all these mentions about Clay Aiken. Yes, Gary…there is something special about Clay Aiken.

    Thank you so much for keeping us all up to date of all the news. It has to be time-consuming. How do you find the time?

    I wish I could have a "selfie" with Clay Aiken!

  2. I wish I could get a selfie with Tiger Woods too. But, I'd never vote for him for congress. Get real, folks.

    • Of course, wishing for a selfie is not the way to decide if you vote for someone. It is OK to be excited to meet someone and then do your research to know if you think the candidate will stand for what is important to you.

      Clay is a unique candidate and most people won't vote for him because he is a pop star…in fact he has more to prove than most because of his celebrity!

  3. Thank you for all the great things you are posting. I enjoy reading and seeing the pictures.

    WAHOO for selfies! I had to laugh at the poster above…I know of no one that would vote for a person because of a selfie. Fortunately, my friends are a bit smarter than that.

    Clay and his team are smart and knowledgable and are carefully combining fun and serious times. GO, CLAY, GO!

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