I feel that speaking for others is the best way to use my voice.
The rest of it, all the pop-star stuff,
is ultimately a platform for giving back.
~ Clay Aiken ~
For over ten years of his life, Clay Aiken has been a busy entertainer. His life was filled with singing, recording, touring, acting, and included 2 runs as one of the stars of Monty Python’s Spamalot, 2 TV specials and many, many visits to the popular talk shows on TV. His busy life would be enough for most people, but Clay also chose to quietly immerse himself in helping others and speaking out about what he felt was important.
If you are a fan of Clay Aiken, you probably know that he co-founded The National Inclusion Project in 2003. The organization has grown and is now one of the top organizations that serves to bridge the gap that exists between young people with disabilities and the world around them.
And, many people know that Clay became a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF with a focus on education, in November, 2004.
But, there is so much more to Clay’s charity work. In fact, there is so much more than I can report about in one day. The following are only highlights of some of the things that Clay has participated with during the years.
Did you know that:
Clay became a Ronald McDonald House Charities Ambassador on November 22, 2004.
- In November, 2010, Clay joined supporters of GLSEN (The Gay Lesbian & Straight Education Network) in Washington to speak in support of two bills that were coming before the government: The Safe Schools Improvement Act and The Student Non-Discrimination Act.
While starring in Spamalot, Clay worked hard to raise money for Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights Aids. Clay lent his support by offering items to the on-line auction. For two years, his items topped the bids for BC/EFA. The two Sir Robin bears broke records for the highest amount of money earned.
- Clay made a “doodle” and a mask that were auctioned off to worthy charities.
- Clay mentored one of the groups of kids involved with Rosie O’ Donnells Broadway Kids’ Showcase on April 27, 2009.
- On January 10, 2004, Clay performed at the halftime of a men’s basketball game at UNCC. That same evening, he donated $20,000 to the universities capital campaign
- Clay was a guest speaker at the “2010 Human Rights Campaign Carolinas Gala” held in Raleigh on February 27, 2010.
In 2004, Clay appeared with other celebrities as part of the McDonald’s World Children’s Day event. The event raised money for the Ronald McDonald house and other children’s charities. He put his handprints in cement and raised more money than all the rest of the items combined.
- Clay performed at a benefit for the Autism Society of Delaware and the Bubel Aiken Foundation on June 5, 2004.
- Clay met with children at P.S. 76 in Harlem, New York in 2003. He read to a class of second-graders as part of Wachovia Corporation’s Reading First program.
On 11/20/04, Clay celebrated World Children’s Day with an art event at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Clay joined children with and without disabilities from the YMCA of Los Cerritos and Ability First of Claremont to participate in inclusive art activities such as tracing each other’s hands.
- On 6/16/04, Clay appeared with Naomi Judd at America’s Promise to Youth gala. This was the first annual gala for the group as they paid tribute to those whose personal and legislative leadership is helping improve the lives of millions of children by ensuring that every youth has the five fundamental resources they need to succeed.
- To help honor Youth Service Day, Clay joined young people with intellectual disabilities and their Best Buddies in the planting of trees in Hollywood, Florida.
If you look at this list, you will see that I have not mentioned, Clothes Off Your Back, The David Foster Foundation, The True Colors Fund, The Rosalynn Carter Institute, The American Australian Association, Disney Hand, Forces of Nature Aid Foundation, MDA, National Center for Learning Disabilities….and MANY MORE!!
I feel bad for only just mentioning The National Inclusion Project and UNICEF. These are so important to Clay, but I thought today, we would look at the bigger picture. I will report on Clay’s involvement with these 2 charities on another day.
Clay opens his heart to the world. How easy it is to support this young man!
Every celebrity should hope to be a role model to kids, to teenagers, to young adults.
I talk about the causes that are important to me now, things that matter to me, and I’m in a position to help.
~ Clay Aiken ~
Wow! Seeing that list is truly amazing! I know he has been involved in quite a lot over the years, but this is amazing to see it! What a guy our guy is!!
Clay is all of that!!! What a brilliant light he shines! OMGoodness – if only other young celebrities chose to be half of what Clay has shown – what a better place this would be.
Thank you, Clay for being who you are and loving all of the children of our world!
He is the most compassionate young man, he has always cared about the world around him, and has always lead by example. What a true honor to have him represent not only his beloved home state of NC but all of us. TY Clay for all you do and are.
Impressive!! I wish every one could see him this way. I can not believe people are pushing this "Race" garbage!!! WE all know that is the farthest thing from the truth. I'm so frustrated with these sites. You can take any comment and put a "spin" on it. I'm praying the final tally will be out soon. Only thing comments will get worse. Sad
I seldom ask for your help, but I would love to see this blog get around so that people who don't know Clay can learn more about him. If you belong to twitter, maybe you might tweet this or ??? If people can tweet about the negative, maybe we can about the positive!!
Believe me I have tried!!! I am on twitter and have been engaged with tweets with 2 "tweeters" to no avail. We all know what Clay meant with the "RNC " & blacks. But they want to spin it as, he hates blacks. NOT TRUE!!! We know that is not true. I really have tried to be positive. I just get in deeper. Some of these people will just not change their minds. Actually they are on the the Clay for NC site so much for being haters I think they might just have a "MAN CRUSH" on Clay. PLEASE COME OUT WITH THE RESULTS!!!
Nonee…Personally, I will never respond to them. It feeds their ego and they think they are getting attention. All article about internet trolls say to ignore them and don't respond. Many of them are paid to write negative things. They love seeing you respond. BUT…if you tweet this article, you are not arguing with them but getting the positive out there. The link to post is
Love all the news about Clay, he's certainly caring, compassionate and a very good man, he's really for the people and children always, he deserves to be in Congress where he can do so much good! We have to try to ignore those negative remarks, Clay knew this would happen.
I hate hearing all those negative comments about Clay, he doesn't deserve it, he's truly a very sincere, compassionate and caring man about people and children, he deserves to be in Congress where he will do so much good as he has done over the years. Clay knew that he would get negative comments but he'll get thru it I'm sure. God bless him xo.
i know, I know I should just disengage but it just infuriates me so much. Thank you so much for posting me back. I really appreciate it. I have responded to the negative tweets for the LAST time. Thanks again!!!!!!!!
Great blog! More people need to read about all the good Clay has done.
Inspiring. Most celebrities look out for themselves and getting ahead. Clay Aiken has looked out for others.
Years ago, I found a wonderful statement by William Frederick Faber, who lived from 1814-1863 and who was a hymn writer. His words easily could describe Clay.
“There are souls in the world who have the gift of finding joy everywhere, and leaving it behind them when they go. Their influence is an inevitable gladdening of the heart. They give light without meaning to shine.”
That’s my guy!!! I hope he will have the opportunity to shine some of his light on Congress!!!
I totally agree!!
Terrific Blog! Clay Aiken sure has accomplished a lot over his life time. So proud to be a supporter of his. Now let's finish up this vote counting and get back on the campaign trail!
Incredible!! I thought I knew everything Clay had done.
He truly is an amazing man with a huge heart.
I am so proud to be a fan.
Thanks for this blog–everyone should know just how much Clay has done and how he has used his celebrity. He is going to make a wonderful Congressman!!
Wonderful Blog. We all know how dedicated Clay is to giving back…but when you actually see it in writing…well….VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!!
I recall hearing about Clay participating in many of these causes over the last 11 years, but when you see them all listed together, it is overwhelming. Clay has certainly used his voice to help others more than anyone else I know. Now on to D.C. to continue his good works.
How about being the spokesman for Toys For Tots? And that story book recording that benefitted the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation as well as a couple of other charities?? Or back where it all began, the YMCA! I know, I know, there are way too many to tally accurately. But I'm sure some diligent, dedicated fan could. I don't think we missed much over the years.
Great Blog.
Clay has done an amazing amount of Philanthropic work, both in these years since America Idol 2 and before.
He has devoted his life to making a "change for good" and is always finding yet another way to serve others.
To Quote his favorite saying, "Use Your Voice"
Clay certainly finds new ways to Use His Voice!
Pretty soon after he got off Idol, a friend of Clay's since childhood told some fans…..
"Clay is all about helping people." She was so right!