What Do You Know About UNICEF?
UNICEF was created to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. They advocate for measures to give children the best start in life because, according to their web page, “proper care at the youngest age forms the strongest foundation for a person’s future.

UNICEF has many Goodwill Ambassadors and Advocates that help bring the needs of the children into the public attention. Because celebrities attract attention, they are able to attract the public to the needs of children throughout the world. They are able to use their talents and fame for fundraising and also to educate the general public on the UNICEF mission.

The celebrities chosen to work with UNICEF have a commitment to improve the lives of children throughout the world. In every case, a celebrity’s work with UNICEF comes about because they have already demonstrated that commitment.

Clay Aiken became an Ambassador for UNICEF in 2004. He joined a very special group of people that includes former ambassadors, Danny Kaye and Aubrey Hepburn. Today, some other ambassadors are Sarah Jessica Parker, Lucy Liu, and Orlando Bloom. Although Clay is not an active Ambassador at this time, I am sure he still supports the UNICEF and will help them in any way he can.

SueReu put together a beautiful video about Clay and UNICEF. The Music…Clay singing It’s In Every One of Us. Please watch it…it is so touching!