Clay Aiken – An Invitation

Most people know Clay Aiken for his success on American Idol, Broadway, and concerts, but I know him for his passion for public schools, special needs children, and efficient government that works for all people. I am so impressed with his deep knowledge of the issues and his ability to connect with voters who want desperately a member of Congress who cares more about them than playing the same old political games. Clay will bring to Congress a new kind of leadership that is not seeking celebrity status but performing public service for public good. 
His opponent will raise funds from the same old crowd of special interest political action committees, lobbyists, and individuals who want special favors. Clay will need folks like you and me who just want a Congressman who listens to our concerns, advocates for government that responds to those needs, and works in a bipartisan way to pass legislation that makes America better.
I want to invite you to join me in raising some funds to elect Clay Aiken to Congress. Join me for an event on August 13th. An invitation is included below. Already, a hundred excited friends and colleagues have responded positively. Some will attend and many just want to make a contribution and donate their ticket to a deserving young person, teacher, or public employee.
If we can raise the funds to turn out voters, sway independents, and capitalize on the dissatisfaction with his opponent, we have an opportunity to flip this district. Clay has the endorsement of many organizations, but your personal endorsement with a contribution is the most powerful asset in this campaign. I hope to hear from you today
Checks should be written to Clay Aiken for Congress and sent to me:
John Wilson 
5007 Dunwoody Trail
Raleigh, NC. 27606
Thank you for making a donation to this critical campaign for America’s future. While I hope you will consider $100 or more, please know that any contribution is appreciated and needed. Assuring America will have a new Congress in 2015 begins with your response today. 
John Wilson


I hope lots of people will attend this wonderful event!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

1 thought on “Clay Aiken – An Invitation

  1. Another opportunity for folks to meet Clay, hear his answers to the difficult questions and donate to his run for Congress. Wish I could attend.

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