Clay Aiken…Do you ever get to rest??? It seems you are on the go every minute of every day!!
But…It is fun seeing you work your magic with the voters in District 2!
On Thursday evening, Clay Aiken was a guest speaker at the Randolph County Tea Party meeting.
JD Walker at The Courier – Tribune in Asheboro, North Carolina wrote a synopsis of the evening. The following are some of the interesting sections of the article:
The Courier-Tribune : Randolph TEA Party hosts Clay Aiken
As part of the party’s commitment to introduce candidates to local voters, the Randolph TEA Party hosted a question-and-answer forum with Democratic candidate Clay Aiken Thursday. Aiken is running to unseat incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers in the District 2 seat…
…Brian Lowe asked Aiken where he stood on the Second Amendment (gun rights). Aiken said he has several members of his family who own guns, including a cousin who owns a gun store. He said he doesn’t want to do anything that interferes with their right to own guns.
“I do want to make sure we keep guns out of the hands of people who use them irresponsibly,” he said.
Rashidi Everette asked Aikens what his priorities would be, if elected. Aiken said his priorities would be the priorities of District 2. He said, in his travels around the district, he has been told the top priorities are jobs and improving the economy; protecting and improving conditions for veterans; and education…
…Janet Pate asked Aiken to explain the campaign sign that leaned against the wall behind him during his presentation. The blue and red sign spelled out “RepublicAiken.”
Aiken said the district is made up of Democrats and Republicans. He said he knows people from both parties don’t always agree, but the person they elect should be willing to represent the district’s interests.
“I’m running to represent everyone,” he said…
You can read the entire article at COURIERTRIBUNE
The following pictures are from the Randolph Tea Party Facebook page and from Jen at Forward Americans..

“I can’t always promise that I will agree with you, but I can promise that I will be respectful and listen to you.”
Opening Minds and Listening…the best way to get votes!!
It was exciting to see Clay being interviewed by Larry King today. Larry is no longer on CNN but he still does some interesting interviews and puts them on his new show. Fortunately, the show is already on YouTube!
A 30 minute interview – It is so interesting to listen to Clay…He certainly does his homework and could really be a leader in Washington D.C.
What do you think??
Loved the pictures while Clay is standing by that podium. My my he is looking fine! The 30 minute interview was FANTASTIC! Couldn't keep my eyes off the tv! Larry King sure seemed to enjoy talking to Clay. Clay was aticulate and always made his point with anything Mr. King threw his way! I was indeed impressed and I hope anyone one else in his district also came away with the same impression. Clay for Congress!
I couldn't agree more. The interview was fantastic!! Larry has interviewed Clay several times over the years, always does a great job. I like the way Larry just asks the questions and then just listens, not interrupting. Larry really covered everything, even the "deserved" remark. Great interview & pictures.
Thanks Martha, great job as always. I also hope he is getting rest, but I don't see how.
Wow, love the interview with Clay, what a great job he did, he's so intelligent and articulate, I really enjoyed listening to him, what a man he is, I hope he gets into Congress, he would be great at helping people and loved the photos. Thanks Musicfan for all you do for us. xox
That was a great interview. Clay is amazing, and sure knows what he is talking about…doesn't skirt around issues…. I also am loving all the pics from yesterday….The man does not stop…..
Thanks Musicfan for all of this…..Loved everything.
The last 30 min. kept me cheering for Clay. What a wonderful interview with Larry King. It is amazing how well Clay can speak on any topic that is thrown at him, with intelligence and grace. I’d love to see Renee Ellmers’ talk before the Randolph Tea Party in Oct. in contrast to Clay’s Q&A.