On Sunday evening, Clay Aiken was one of five featured democrats at a political rally. Held at the Fortnight Brewing Company, Clay joined four Wake County Commissioner Candidates to listen to the needs of Wake County citizens and share their vision for the future of the county.
The event was put together by Jeff Tippett, a Raleigh political strategist and business leader. Mr. Tippett just launched a new company that helps political campaigns. It is called Targeted Persuasion.
In his press release, Mr. Tippett said:
Unlike many political rallies, I designed this event to be fun, casual, and family friendly. With craft beer, food trucks, and a band I believe families will have an enjoyable time as they discuss matters of great importance to District 2 and Wake County. This is the perfect opportunity to talk face-to-face with the candidates.
From all the pictures and messages on social network, it seems the event was a great success.

The Amazing Laurie @LaurieTMiller Very nice to meet @clayaiken today. Thanks for running for congress @ClayForNC

Stephanie Benner @stephaniebenner #obligatorybabypic! Great to meet @clayaiken tonight and hear how he’ll help TEACHERS!

Forward Americans @ForwardAmerican I support @clayaiken @ClayForNC to represent #nc02 b/c he’s been listening to voices for months & will truly serve! pic.twitter.com/jR3Q6Lvgg8

Charles Malone: Hard working Fab Four Wake county commissioner candidates joined by congressional candidate Clay Aiken tonight at Fortnight Brewery in Cary: from left: Sig Hutchinson, Clay, Jessica Holmes, John Burns and Matt Calabria. — with Sig Hutchinson, Clay Aiken, Jessica Holmes, John D. Burns and Matt Calabria.

Stuart Arnold @FortnightStuart. Starstruck w/ @clayaiken @FortnightBeer today.Great event.I learnt that #Education was a hot issue here in #NC
Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the New World on October 12, 1492. Originally observed every October 12, it was fixed to the second Monday in October in 1971.
In many parts of the United States, Columbus Day has evolved into a celebration of Italian-American heritage. Local groups host parades and street fairs featuring colorful costumes, music and Italian food. In cities and towns that use the day to honor indigenous peoples, activities include pow-wows, traditional dance and lessons about Native American culture.
Are you doing something special for Columbus Day?
Goodmorning! I'm not doing much but go to work today. How exciting it would have been to attend this ralley last night. We saw some awesome "selfies" from Clay. Love the one with the baby! Looking forward to finding out what he has up his sleeve today! Soon he heads out on da bus!! Whoo hooo! Hope somebody snaps a photo of it!!
Happy Columbus Day to all my American friends!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!!!!
I am loving watching Clay all over the place. This man has not stopped. He is everywhere talking and listening to all people. I am just so proud of him, and I’m Canadian. Thanks Musicfan for your reports and pictures.
I can add my comment when your email comes in my “inbox”, but when it comes in as “spam”, I still cannot comment. weird. But I do read every day!!! So thank you for that!!!!!!
happy columbus day to everyone im also loving watching clay all over the place clay hasent stopped im verry proud of clay thanks music fan for your reports and the pictures verry soon clay will heads out on his new tour buss i sure hope somone takes a picture of that