The is a newspaper and website that serves Moore County, North Carolina. On Sunday, October 19th, the Pilot endorsed Clay Aiken for The House of Representatives to represent the people of district 2 in North Carolina. The Pilot published an excellent article that listed many of the reasons they chose Clay over the incumbent Rep. Renee Ellmers. The following is a few of the important sections of the article.
The For Congress: Clay Aiken
Of the two candidates vying to represent North Carolina’s 2nd District in the U.S. House of Representatives, neither has a strong background in politics. Republican incumbent Renee Ellmers spent 21 years as a nurse before her first election in 2010. And Democratic challenger Clay Aiken first caught the nation’s attention a decade ago as a singer on “American Idol.”
So far, the Michigan-born Ellmers has seemed little more than a party-line-spouting lightweight. She has demonstrated that she knows or cares little about Moore County — unlike eighth-generation North Carolinian Aiken, who displays a detailed familiarity with the area.
Although Aiken lacks governmental experience, he comes across as a more sensible, intelligent and open-minded candidate, with well-reasoned positions on issues. For those reasons and others, The Pilot urges readers to vote for him…
…Conversely, each candidate has spent much of the current campaign trying to portray his or her opponent as a tool of a political boss — President Obama for Aiken and House Speaker John Boehner in the case of Ellmers.
Ellmers, however, took this tar-brushing to laughable heights when she spoke recently about the “Obama-Aiken economy.” This is only one of several classic malapropisms that she has committed. Another came when she said that male politicians needed to “bring things down to a woman’s level.”…
…The grotesquely shaped 2nd District, like others in the state, results from raw partisan gerrymandering by the Republican-dominated General Assembly. It sprawls across parts of eight counties, and its various components sometimes have little in common — except a predictable GOP leaning. This might make it hard for Aiken to pull off a victory.
Still, because of his compassionate and informed approach to issues, and because he offers by far the greatest potential of the two candidates, we hope voters in the district will send him to Washington…
If you would like to read the entire article, visit PILOT.COM
It is always important for candidates to get as much support as possible and the Pilot article makes it clear why they support Clay!
The Three Rivers Arts Festival, NC, held its fifth annual art and craft festival at Summer Rain Farm on October 18 & 19, 2014, in Chatham County, NC.
Unique art was displayed in and around the barns and pasture. There were three live music performances scheduled each day. The 40 vendors displayed a wide variety of artistic media, including painting, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, and more. There was also some wonderful food booths and art/craft demonstrations. And, for those interested in the farm, there was the opportunity to visit the horses and chickens on the farm. Entrance to the event was free.
Clay Aiken was lucky enough to visit the Art Festival on Sunday. It looks like he had lots of fun…

clayfornc. Met some great local artists at the Three Rivers Arts Festival in Sanford today. #ncpol #nc02
Clay had a town hall meeting on Sunday night in Apex, NC.

Clay Aiken @ClayForNC. In #Apex this afternoon talking to #WakeCounty voters at our town hall. #ncpol #nc02 @ Apex Community…
I am sure Clay was able to convince the people to vote and to vote for HIM!!
The Fayetteville Observer posted a video of a short interview with Clay Aiken. It is excellent. I hope you will watch it!
What an excellent interview!!
According to the calendar, Clay will be guest at the Moore County Tea Party Forum. I am sure that it will be a lively conversation. I bet that the group will be impressed with the knowledge Clay has about the government and the needs of District 2. I would assume that for many it will be a time to “agree to disagree”. However, Clay might just convince some that he is the right person to support the people of district 2.
Don’t forget…The Red Donate is active and there to help Clay make it to Washington!
Love the video, Clay did a great job on the interview. Thanks Musicfan
The Pilot article was well written and endorsed Clay using the points in his talks about why he would be the best candidate to vote for in NC-2. Too bad the Ellmer's workers feel the need to steal Clay's yard signs. Guess they want to keep his name out of the public eye.