Clay Aiken – Talking Politics


On Tuesday, September 30th, Clay Aiken was the guest of honor at a reception/fundraiser at the home of Michael Corbett in the Hollywood Hills.


There were about 75 people in attendance and the crowd was enthusiastic and excited to help and support Clay and his campaign.

Clay tried to talk to each person and give them a personal moment of his time.  According to those who were lucky enough to be at the event, Clay gave an excellent speech which included why he was running, why he felt comfortable asking for support in California, and how important it was to raise as much as possible before midnight.

There was a video crew at the event that talked and taped Clay towards the end of the event.  They were from the TV show, Extra.  Perhaps we will see Clay on the show in the next few days.

The following are a few of tweets from the evening:

Liz Imbrie @ElizabethImbrie
.@clayaiken, Greg Louganis, Michael Corbett, Bruce Vilanch in a gorgeous midcentury modern view home, talking politics? That was FUN!

Ted Johnson @tedstew

Among the candidates raising money in LA tonight: Clay Aiken, scheduled at an event at the home of Michael Corbett of Extra.

Aubrey @gotthelook
I spent tonight at a party with Clay Aiken and Bruce Vilanch. There’s no joke here, I just feel I should tell somebody.
Tami Goveia @TamiGoveia
#clayaikenfornorthcarolina. At a political fundraiser for Clay Aiken. Had the opportunity to meet Greg Louganis Fun!
AND…some fun selfies too!

Eric Criswell Hanging out with future congressman Clay Aiken.

 It is always fun to hear about successful evenings.
AND….within hours, Clay will be a guest of supports in Broadway!
Check in for pictures and news later today!!!
Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

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