Do you have anyone at your house who is waiting for a wish from Santa Claus? Somehow, Santa brings a bit of joy and magic to Christmastime!!
In December of 2005, Clay Aiken played the role of Santa’s helper and participated in a TV show titled Dear Santa.
Dear Santa was broadcast on December 9, 2005 and was on the Fox Network. It was based on a selection of the most compelling letters the U.S. Postal Service received from children asking for Santa’s help. Their dramatic and heartwarming stories were told as their holiday dreams were fulfilled.
Ann Oldenburg of USA Today said the following about the show:
Amid the Rudolph and Grinch classics and the made-for-TV seasonal movies comes something a little different this year: Dear Santa, an hour-long reality show from Fox airing Dec. 9 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
Producers have teamed with the U.S. Postal Service, which delivers more than 1 million letters from kids sent to Santa Claus at the North Pole each year.
“We thought it would be a great idea if we could answer these children’s letters and have their dreams come true,” says David Garfinkle of Renegade 83, executive producer of the show.
Each of four segments will feature a child who is wishing for something big. For example, one little girl just wants her daddy to come home from Iraq for Christmas. She also likes Clay Aiken. She winds up getting both at a base Christmas party.
I still remember this special and the excitement of seeing Clay on TV was running throughout the “Claynation”.
It was fun to find a YouTube of this Clay Aiken performance. The first half of the video sets up the story, but the 2nd half is much better so don’t stop watching!
Did you see this show in 2005?
Gosh, I vaguely remember this! How sweet!! It's starting to come back but I don't remember seeing it since 1995! Thanks musicfan! How do you remember these things!! He was gorgeous!
still is gorgeous
omg Martha this video is so beautiful, I love it, I've never seen it before, thanks so much for posting it. Clay is amazing!
How did I miss this program?! Thanks for posting it. Clay does Christmas songs better than anyone else.
I hadn't seen that video before. How great to see something new and fun like that. Thanks
And I thought I've scoured youtube for all of Clay's videos… This is great Martha! Thanks so much!!! Cristmas with Clay, what more can you ask for?
I must join the individuals who missed this golden opportunity!!! I, too, thought I had seen everything Clay. Thanks for posting this surprising and most wonderful Christmas gift!!