How have you been doing recently?? Are you feeling a bit run-down? Are you wondering what to do with your extra time? Do you find yourself barking at your kids and rolling your eyes at your significant other?? Are you eating too much, cleaning out your closets, taking a nap each day and actually volunteering to drive the car-pool??
Those are all signs that yes, Clay Aiken is out of the public eye, or as his fans say, “We are in the middle of a drought.”
2014 was a very busy and tumultuous year for Clay. Even before January, 2014, Clay was busy getting all his “ducks in a row” to run for Congress. After his official announcement on February 5th, Clay was on the run. Almost every day of the campaign was filled with meet/greets, parades/fairs, fundraisers, speeches, and even a few debates…oh yes, radio and TV shows too! Are you out of breath thinking about all that? Most people understand the need for Clay to stay out of the public eye for a bit. It is just hard, especially since his supporters got used to seeing him so much during the campaign in North Carolina.
To help you through this difficult time, CANN came up with a few ideas to throw out to you. Maybe these will put a smile on your face and you can relax a bit until Mr. Superstar returns to the public arena.
- Do you like jigsaw puzzles?? Why not make your own. You can use your favorite picture of Clay and with the following site, make your own puzzle. If you are not in to making your own puzzle, you can try some of the puzzles that Magicalmusic made. Thank you, Magical, for sharing them with CANN. To make your own puzzle Enjoy some Clay puzzles
2. Have you ever tried to make a “wordle”? The following site helps to make some great word art. Get together with some friends and see if you can do one for each letter of the alphabet.
3. One more idea. Have you ever wanted to put together a photo montage of Clay, but you don’t have the correct program or you don’t trust your artistic skills? Well, try the following site. Your mosaic will look professional and impress your family and friends.
Yes, this site is called the Clay Aiken News Network, but sometimes a smile is better than no news at all.
Have fun and enjoy some unique Clay times.
Thanks Musicfan for all these great ideas, I will try them and love the photos of clay, he always puts a smile on my face. I'm sure Clay needs a break after that busy year, it's got to be exhausting but looking forward to hearing about him again. xox
Yup, that;s right! Clay never fails to put a smile on my face. Just by listening to his songs or watching videos of his performances, my face lights up with a smile automatically. He's such an angel… Love the last picture!!! His profile looks like the 24 year old Clay back in the day
Thanks so much Martha!!!
thanks for the blog Martha. I know clay needs time to catch up after such an unbelievable year. But I cannot wait to hear what's next!!! Patience does not happen to be one of my virtues however. so I will try to be a little more patient and see what happens.
Thanks for all the great ideas, to tide us over, until we get news as to what Clay is doing. I’m sure he needs some downtime as well right now. He never quit in 2014…and he deserves a good break from everything.