Clay Aiken – Officially Excited!!

It seems like Tuesday was an exciting day for Clay Aiken…and for his followers too!

The day started with an exciting tweet from Clay. He announced that he was going to be talking with Brooke Baldwin on CNN in the afternoon! Joining Clay and Brooke was Entrepreneur, Activist and Storyteller, Michael Skolnik.

So, a few hours later, Clay was in the CNN studios and posted the following tweet and picture:

CNN with Brooke Baldwin ‪#‎cnn‬ ‪#‎newyork‬ ‪#‎politics‬ ‪#‎supertuesday‬

There were some backstage photos posted also..

Clay was articulate and poised as he talked about the primary elections.  He had a lot to say and what he said was intelligent and interesting.  And, yes, I liked his new sweater!!!

I think Clay’s last message and picture from the CNN studio was one of the best:

Ok. Now my day … No…. WEEK is OFFICIALLY made! Finally got to meet @donnabrazile at @CNN today! ‪#‎excited‬ ‪#‎fanboy‬

I think I would be excited to meet Donna Brazile too.

Fortunately, someone was able to put the CNN conversation on YouTube.

I hope we hear more from Clay today!

What did you think of Clay’s discussion on CNN?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Officially Excited!!

  1. Who didn’t know Clay is politically savvy? North Carolina knows. If it weren’t for gerrymandering, he would be in Congress right now.

  2. Thanks Martha for posting this video as I wasn't able to see this in my province, Clay Is so well spoken, very proud of him! Love the pics also. xo

  3. What a great interview! Clay knows his politics! Both of the men's comments were to the point and expressive. I hope they invite Clay back! I missed the interview yesterday due to work, so thank you for posting! I cannot start my day, unless I come to CANN and read your articles about OMC!

  4. It was such a treat yesterday to see Clay on CNN. Thanks for bringing over the video Musicfan. It was a fun day!!!!!

  5. First, I do love Clay's new sweater. Second, I'd be so excited to meet Donna Brazile as Clay did. Third, as usual, it is obvious that Clay does his home work and can clearly speak his thoughts on all things political. It is evident that many news stations value his opinions.

  6. ilike c lays new sweater and i also wanto say how n ice it was for me ta see clay on cnn what a treat

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