Friday was a sad day for those who knew Rickey Smith. Rickey was a part of the Second Season of American Idol. He was well-liked by all that knew him.
Rickey was killed Thursday night in a multi-car highway wreck in Oklahoma.
According to the police reports, another man driving the wrong way on the interstate slammed head-on into Smith’s vehicle. The other driver was hospitalized and booked for DUI.
Clay Aiken was one of the first post his condolences. Clay wrote:
Suffice it to say my heart is truly breaking today.
Heaven’s choir has a new beautiful voice. I love you and will miss you, Rickey.
A few minutes later, Clay wrote a beautiful article about Rickey:
We were all actually supposed to look serious during this part of the Idol tour in 2003.
Rickey couldn’t do it! — I’m truly not sure that his face was physiologically capable of not smiling.
He was ALWAYS smiling.
When someone passes, it’s amazing how quickly people jump to say how they were “the nicest person in the world” or how they were “always happy.” Those phrases get thrown around so much that they begin to lose their impact. I have to tell you that those could not be more true for Rickey Smith!
When a contestant gets cut on Idol it’s usually a slight bit sad to see them go, but when Rickey was eliminated… EVERY ONE OF US cried. He was truly the sunlight of our season and remained a happy and beautiful person and friend beyond.
I sometimes feel numbed to death and loss as it has come too much and too often in my life.
Today I am not numb.
I am truly heartbroken…
To read the rest of the tribute, click on TRIBUTE
Clay also posted the following:
Rickey left behind two beautiful kids and woman he loved dearly…. If you’re so inclined … Lend a hand.
As I write this, the fund for Rickey’s family is at $7,350. I hope that the number goes up tomorrow!!
Ruben said of Rickey:
I sit here in utter disbelief about the fact that you went to be with the Lord. I think back on all the fun times we had. How we set up for hours in our room in the Idol mansion talking and listening to music. How much fun we all had on our very first tour. You were the heart of our season and the true definition of a real friend. I will miss you my friend RIP Ricky Smith. I’m sure you’re in heaven singing your heart out!!!”
Fred Bronson of Billboard was good friends with Rickey. He wrote a beautiful tribute about Rickey:
Rickey Smith was the first American Idol contestant I ever met. It was a Saturday afternoon in March 2003 and the Television Academy was hosting an Q&A with the show’s producers and talent. I was on the red carpet covering for Billboard and Rickey was the first of the top 12 contestants to stop and talk with me. He was tall, gregarious and after just a few seconds treated me as if he had known me all of his life….
Bronson’s entire tribute which includes some quotes from some of the season 2 Idols, can be seen at BRONSON
By reading all these beautiful words, it is obvious that Rickey was loved by so many!
CANN sends positive thoughts and prayers to Rickey’s family and dear friends.
Yes…it was a sad Friday!!
My head was angry and my heart was saddened that Rickey Smith was gone! I hope everyone who can to please donate to Rickey's fund! Thank you CANN for posting the beautiful sentiments and the video of Rickey performing!
I was shocked when I read Clay's tweet. Is this true? Could this be happening? OMG! A wrong way driver on an interstate. It truly is a sad day. He was always smiling! My deepest condolences to his family and friends. I am so sorry Clay!
How sad. Why is alway always someone making some kind of mistake that takes someone innocent away? My grandson lost a very close friend (16 yrs old) to a driver not stopping at a stop sign just 2 days ago. Hard to understand. My thoughts & prayers to Rickey's family, especially his children, and friends.
It is a very sad day.
omg a wrong way driver on an interstate this is indeed a sad day my deappist condolances to his family and friends and epecialy clay im daren so sorry clay