Clay Aiken – Did You Watch Clay?

Did you watch Clay Aiken and Carrie Sheffield on BoldTV this morning?

Although the show had some audio problems, the guests and the conversations were great.  I enjoyed listening to Clay and Carrie talk at the beginning of the show.

All three of the special guests were interesting to listen to.  Dana Rosenberg, from the Kind Movement reminded us to “Be Bold and Pop your social media Bubble.” Ed Henry told us about his new book, 42 Faith – The Rest of the Jackie Robinson Story.  Mark Wales, from a former special ops unit, introduced his leather jacket.  It was interesting to hear his story about how he went from being in the special to producing beautiful leather jackets.

If you missed seeing the show, you can see it on the BOLD Facebook page.


I hope you have fun seeing this cute video of Clay!

Have A Wonderful week-end!!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

3 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Did You Watch Clay?

  1. Watched BOLD, and enjoyed the beginning of the show with Clay and Carrie's conversation! Clay was happy he got to wear his green sweater! Great guest, too! The hour went by fast!

  2. I really enjoyed Bold this week. The camera person did some close ups that were really close up! You could enjoy Clay in all his handsomeness. The green pullover was a blast from the past! I always did love that sweater on OMC.

    WHERE ARE THE COMMENTORS. I am missing their comments.

    The video was great. Thanks for that. ❤️ UNCONDITIONAL love for you Clay. I love your new young look!

  3. I didn't see Bold live, but watched it in the afternoon. Kept trying to fix the sound because only Clay sounded good. Now I see you have posted that there was a problem with it. I especially liked Ed Henry talking about how he went about writing 42 Faith. It took 10 years to bring it to completion. Clay asked just the right questions to show how difficult it is to produce a book like this. If Clay had worn his green sweater at the regular studio, his body would have been invisible. Ha Ha!

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