It’s Friday and that means it’s a BOLD Day!
#BoldTV is LIVE today at 10am ET/7am PDT on Facebook Live and #Periscope
Join Carrie Sheffield and Clay Aiken as they
discuss the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise, the Mueller investigation, and Father’s Day!
Plus…meet Marathon runner, Dion Leonard, and his dog Gobi!
Now that sounds like an exciting show!!
So…get your cup of coffee and enjoy an hour of exciting TV!
It’s a good way to start the day!!
I thought it might be fun to go back 14 years and watch the following You Tube.
Clay Aiken – American Idol Season 2, Top 2 – This is the Night
It’s the first time we heard this popular song!!
Did you watch Clay sing this song on American Idol??
Coffee is brewing and I'm ready for BOLD Friday!
I love this song that Clay performed on AI2. Randy Jackson was not too keen on this song being his first new single, was he ever wrong! Thank you CANN for this claymemory!
Love Bold TV, Clay and Carrie do a great show, so interesting, love Clay's new hairdo, looks smart and still looks so young!
Thanks Musicfan for all the great posts!
You couldn’t pull me away from an episode of AI. I was glued to the screen each and every time. Everyone would admit that season 2 was the best season for AI. Clay was my choice from the very first- his tryout. BOLD was interesting and good as usual. Thanks musicfan.
UNCONDITIONAL love for you Clay. God bless America.