On Sunday evening, Clay Aiken posted on his Instagram account:

clayaiken Not gonna lie… I was sure that @lisalampanelli and her new show @stuffedplay would be hilarious and rowdy and irreverent… what I didnt expect, and was so impressed by, was that it would have such heart and such an important message! Really so glad I saw it. You should too.
It looks like Clay had a good time with his friend, Lisa Lampanelli.
Do you remember Lisa from Celebrity Apprentice? It seemed that Clay and Lisa worked well together. They were both excellent when they took over the puppets!!
Lisa is now the star of the show, Stuffed. It is playing at the Westside Theatre in New York City. The official website for the production says the following about the show:
A lifelong yo-yo dieter, a bulimic, a confident overweight gal, and a permanent size zero who can’t gain weight walk into a play. . . and what happens next could only be dished up by comedy mastermind Lisa Lampanelli in her first foray into theater. STUFFED features the comedian’s famously irreverent voice, signature wit, and an extra-large scoop of razor-sharp insight into the complicated world of our relationships with food.
Seems like it might be a topic many of us understand!!
The play has its own twitter page and posted the following:

Thanks @clayaiken for coming to have a taste of @StuffedPlay! So cute, we could just eat you up.
Another picture was posted too:
It looks like it was party time backstage!!
It looks like Clay had a good time seeing the show and visiting with the cast.
I guess that’s one of the advantages of living in NYC.
Clay has a never-ending list of friends who he loves and supports. Love all the pictures and everyone have a fabulous Monday!
Thank you! Mahvelous way to start the
Hysterical! Looks like fun! He’s such a ham with the camera!
I’m glad Clay has so many good friends. He sure was cute in those pictures. ❤️ UNCONDITIONAL love for you Clay. God bless the USA.
All the ladies love Clay…not just us Claymates. Once a person meets Clay, they always remember him fondly.