American Idol, Season II was full of surprises. It was an exciting time for the performers and the audience
The third elimination night was one of those surprising times. Just as everyone had settled down to hear Disco Music, the theme for the night was changed. “Country-Rock”……..what is Country-Rock? Wearing a cowboy hat, Ryan Seacrest said: The theme for tonight is the intricate fusion between country and rock.
The guest judge for this night was Olivia Newton-John.
Singing Brian White’s hit, Someone Else’s Star, Clay Aiken was the highlight of the evening. Randy, Paula, and Olivia gave Clay a short standing ovation.
Simon thought it was sweet, but just like his last performance.
Do you remember this song?
Someone Else’s Star
Alone again tonight
Without someone to love
The stars are shining bright
So one more wish goes up
Oh, I wish I may
And I wish with all my might
For the love I’m dreaming of
And missing in my life
You’d think that I could find
A true love of my own
It happens all the time
To people that I know
Their wishes all come true
So I’ve got to believe
There’s still someone out there who
Is meant for only me
I guess I must be wishing on
Someone else’s star
It seems like someone else keeps getting
What I’m wishing for
Why can’t I be as lucky
As those other people are
I guess I must be wishing
On someone else’s star

Hope you enjoy the video of this performance.
Clay sang this song in March of 2003!
Twenty Years Ago!!!

Clay sang the song beautifully – a sad song! Seeing the video again made me not like Simon. It is really hard to believe that this all happened 20 years ago. But thankfully it was a great time of so many memories! Thanks for all of the reminders!
Thank you for the pictures and the video. I love the pictures and the video. I can not believe it has been 20 years. Time goes by fast when you are having fun. Thank you CANN.
This brings back good memories from so long ago. Didn’t we love watching Clay on AI and seeing the audience stand up and cheer after his song each week.