I pulled out the Clay Aiken Calendar last night. It is always fun to see if there is any exciting event that happened on a certain date. September 26th is a great day to look at the calendar. Yes, we are a little late, but it was fun remembering this day!

On September 26, 2006, Clay Aiken was in Hollywood at the Virgin Records Store. He was there to sign his new CD, A Thousand Different Ways. He arrived at 1:00PM and was immediately surrounded by many fans who had waited a long time to get into the event. It wasn’t easy for the fans to get a autograph. They had to wear a special bracelet that they got at the CD release party the week before. A few fans were able to get the special bracelet in the morning when they arrived at the store.

A highlight of the event was a visit by Jimmy Kimmel who played the role of a “crazy” fan who was in love with Clay. Both Clay and Jimmy played their roles with enthusiasm and received lots of laughs.

When the CD signing was over, Clay hurried across the street to the El Capitan Theater to make an appearance and performance on the Jimmy Kimmel Show.

The following videos are fun and really show the excitement of the day.
Isn’t It Fun To See how much happiness we got to see?
Those two were funny indeed – So much excitement going on! Clay can always adapt to funny situations. He is quite the actor. We certainly had a lot to smile about with Clay! Clay train was in full motion. I remember watching this on TV with the Jimmie K. Show! Thank you for this and letting us smile again!
Thank you for the pictures and the videos. I love all the pictures. The first video with the Clay singing is beautiful .The second video with Clay and Jimmy Kimmel is very funny. Thank you CANN.