Clay Aiken – New York!

Hello from the exciting city of New York.  This Californian is certainly enjoying the city.

I am still in awe of Clay Aiken’s performance Sunday at the Home For The Holidays Concert.  No one sings My Grown Up Christmas List like Clay.  It was almost prayer-like and everyone seemed to stop and listen to every word.  And, another “shout-out” to Ben Cohn.  His arrangement of this song was amazing.  I am so glad that Ben and Clay work so well together.

I am so glad that there are at least 3 different videos of Sunday’s performance.  I know many of you have already seen this You-Tube, but I thought I should post it here too.  It is always fun to watch Clay performances and so, just stop and and watch again.

The following pictures are a few that I have taken while walking around New York.  I love my new iPhone, even if I can’t crop or edit until I get home.

I tried to take some pictures of places that have been mentioned recently.  It seems they were a part of Clay’s project in New York.

Trump Tower

Columbus Circle

Is this the right location?

Lord & Taylor Window Display

What Year Did Clay Sing Here?

Are you counting the days until the Gala?  We have so much to look forward to.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – New York!

  1. What a wonderful video. Clay is just fantastic! Glad you'e having fun in NYC. You bet we're counting down to the Gala. Great stuff!

  2. Beautiful pictures that you posted – I am going to the Gala for the first time and I am beyond excited – a bit of nerves setting in! Anxious to hear about Clay's Kids and NIP but can't wait to see
    Clay and hear that incredible "voice"! Yes the new song, too!!!!

  3. Thank you Musicfan for the beautiful video….Loved the red backdrop and Clay all in Black, with a silver tie….stunning!!!!!

    Thanks as well for the pictures out and about in NYC. They do look familiar…lol

    Have a wonderful time Musicfan…enjoy your week!!!!!

  4. Enjoy seeing your pics of some of the sights of NY. Watched the dept store decorating, including Lord and Taylor on tv the other night. Very impressive.

  5. Sounds and looks like you are having a wonderful time in NYC….and it is all Clay's fault. LOL
    I don't think that is the right Metro Cafe. the one Clay was at was mid block from the pics taken. But hey, who cares. Same company.
    Clay sang at Rock Center 2003.

    musicfan, continue to have fun and then onward to Raleigh, NC and the Gala.

  6. New York City is certainly a beautiful place to be in December. Thanks for posting the video of Clay singing. It is as though he is singing it as a prayer. He and Ben work so well together-both so incredibly talented. Thanks for the reports from NYC , I love reading them.

  7. Looks like you are having a ball in NYC. Thanks for keeping all of us informed with the photos & video of Clay. Enjoy the holiday windows on 5th Ave. Safe trip to Raleigh on Thurs.

  8. Looks like you had a good time in New York. I love Clay's version of MGUCL. How can someone look so sexy while they are singing a Christmas Song? But, the song never lost it's true meaning. Very excited about the Gala this weekend. I am unable to go…but, can't wait for everyone's reports when they get back.

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