Clay Aiken – Political Courage

Dr. Eric L. Mansfield, MD is a doctor in Fayetteville, North Carolina who specializes in the field of Ear, Nose, and Throat. But he is also known as a friend, colleague, and supporter of Clay Aiken.

Dr. Mansfield is a former Democratic member of the North Carolina State Senate.  He represented District 21 from 2011 to 2013.

According to Ballot-Pedia:

Mansfield received a commission in the U.S. Army through ROTC. He worked at the Womack Army Medical Center as a Battalion Medical Officer and later as the Chief of Otolaryngology Services. He was deployed to Kosovo before returning to civilian life and opening his own practice. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in health policy at UNC Chapel Hill. He attended Howard University for his bachelor’s degree and then attended Morehouse School of Medicine. He and his wife Donna have two children, Erica and Thomas.

On June 11th, Dr. Mansfield and his wife hosted a beautiful Reception & Fundraiser for Clay and his campaign.

Last week, Dr. Mansfield sent an extraordinarily well thought out e-mail to all of his political friends and all of Clay’s supporters. After checking with TeamClay, I am posting the letter here.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

In a Sunday column in the Fayetteville Observer, U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers detailed the list of things she’s done to help save the 440th Airlift Wing at Ft. Bragg. Based on her column, she’s been a military advocate these past few weeks, and she wants you to know it.

Serving as a soldier at Ft. Bragg and being deployed with the 82nd Airborne gave me a deep appreciation for the fine men and women of the 440th Airlift Wing. I don’t like them being used for petty political points. While she touts her efforts in this op-ed, she failed to mention the things she’s done previously that hurt veterans and those in the military. She supported the sequester and government shutdown that hurt our military, veterans, their families and our community. There was no op-ed in the Fayetteville Observer when she was taking those votes.

As a former NC State Senator, I always felt it was my job to maintain an open line of communication with all my constituents, even when we disagreed. I tried to make a point to discuss openly my positions regarding the most difficult votes that I took, some of which did not toe the party line, but I felt it was good policy for the people.

It took some political courage to take a stand when it wasn’t popular with party leaders or the political establishment. But it was the right thing to do for my district. Clay Aiken has that type of political courage, and I know in Congress he’ll stand up for the people of North Carolina’s Second District.

True political courage means always being an advocate – not just on election years or when it’s deemed acceptable by your political party. During this time when partisanship trumps policy, and demonization rules over informed debate, we need more public servants.

Public servants, unlike politicians, should be more servant than they are public. They should serve and fight for their constituents without need for fanfare nor applause. They fight the good fight not because it will allow them to write an op-ed, but because it is right.

Clay’s campaign is about being a voice for the people of the Second District again, even when times get tough. That’s why I support Clay’s campaign, and that’s why I hope you will, too.

It’s time to make politics about public service again.


Eric Mansfield, MD, MPH
Former NC State Senator
Fayetteville, NC

Thank you, Dr. Mansfield for this excellent endorsement of Clay Aiken. He is lucky to have you in his corner!

As always, I will be checking for up-to-date news and will post if as soon as I can.  I hope you will check back during the day!

Be careful today….It is Friday the 13th!!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

8 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Political Courage

  1. Wow…what a wonderful endorsement from Dr. Mansfield. I've said it from the beginning, that the people in the NC02 district would so benefit from having Clay stand up for them. He will do what is right for his district.

  2. That was a beautiful email by Dr. Mansfield about Clay, God bless him. Clay for Congress!

    Thanks Musicfan xo

  3. Love the beautiful email by Dr. Mansfield about Clay, Bless him. Clay for Congress!

    Thanks Musicfan xo

  4. I received Dr. Mansfield's letter in my email several days ago. I was so happy and proud of what he had to say about Clay. We can only hope that others will feel the same and elect Clay to represent them.

  5. How wonderful to see such prominent people supporting Clay's run for Congress. He deserves it. If everyone would at least listen to him they would see what a great candidate he is. For some reason some people just chose to hate him.. His support is growing & that really makes the haters mad. Stay positive Team Clay

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