Clay Aiken – The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round

Back in 2004, Clay Aiken and Kelly Clarkson toured together on the Independence Tour.  They were both fresh faces in the music field and wanted to tour.  It seemed logical to tour together.

Early in the tour, Lynda Loveland from WRAL -TV in Raleigh, North Carolina, visited Clay.  One of the interesting things that she recorded was a tour of Clay and Kelly’s tour bus.  I thought it was interesting to see the inside of the bus and Clay was a fine host!

Although the bus was very nice.  I can’t imagine being on there for months at a time.  I guess you can only hope that the people on your bus don’t snore.

The following video is the Lynda Loveland tour.


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9 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round

  1. That was really fun to revisit that interview! I loved Clay’s first tour. I didn’t see the AI2 tour, so this was my first chance to see Clay Aiken in concert!! What a great show that was! Thanks, musicfan!

  2. How fun to see this clip again!!! Clay Aiken & Kelly Clarkson had a very nice bus for that tour, but I’ll bet it gets old after a while.


  3. I could die from his cuteness here in this video. lol If only it wasn’t out of sync. 🙁
    Anyway, thanks for fishing this out from the YouTube Sea of Clay. 😉 😀

  4. Nice to see this interview again. Just think Clay and Lynda Loveland are still friends. Boy, Clay sure likes that Apple Juice. Its very good for you. I wonder if they ever felt like sardines on that bus…especially their sleeping quarters.

  5. Thanks for showing this again….It seems like so long ago…but it is still fresh in my mind….

    What a great concert…I can still remember Clay entering singing “Kyrie”….It’s one of the best entrances EVER!!!!!

    I’m sure Kelly and Clay had a great time, chatting and playing scrabble on the bus….When Clay makes friends, he seems to keep them….and they are still friends today….. I think it shows his character completely….


  6. The bus tour was so much fun! One of my favourites. I’ll never forget the thrill of the Independent concert–the patience waiting for the videos of it to be uploaded, each one taking many hours to download–and so exciting to actually watch.
    Each tour has been a total thrill. I’m ready for the next one!

  7. Musicfan,

    Thank you for locating another long lost gem to share with Clay Aiken fans. Love the bus tour and recalling the 2004 Independent Tour!

    Many thnx for your kind remarks in the Carolina blog. Have an awesome week!


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