At 11:00 am, the Associated Press reporter, Martha Waggoner interviewed Clay Aiken by telephone. Since that time, the interview has been picked up by at least 105 different news sources. If you check Google, Clay is everywhere.
There were a few things that seemed to stand out in this interview. First, there was no question about Clay watching American Idol this season…….old news!! Second, Clay still dresses for comfort, and third, he is not talking to the public about his son, Parker.
The last two sentences of the article are exciting to read and bode well for Clay’s future in the entertainment industry.
Aiken’s recording contract with RCA has ended, and he said he’s considering other labels, while also looking at stage and television offers. “all three look enticing, and I’m in the luxurious position of letting them sit down and come to me,” he said.
To read the entire interview, click on the link below.