What did you think I would do at this moment
When you’re standing before me
With tears in your eyes
Trying to tell me that you have found you another
And you just don’t love me no more…
Do you recognize these lyrics?
Clay Aiken sang this song on the Top 8 episode of American Idol, Season 2.
Yes…it is At This Moment!
According to Song Facts, At This Moment was written by Billy Vera in 1977. But, no one wanted to record it. Billy Vera and The Beaters finally released it in 1981. It charted at #79.
The song was revived when it was used in three episodes of the hit TV show Family Ties in 1985 and 1986, as a backdrop for romantic interludes between Alex P. Keaton and Ellen Reed.

Clay sang At This Moment on his season of American Idol and although the audience loved it, it got mixed reviews from the judges.

Looking back, I love the way Clay sang it! (Wait…I like everything Clay sings!)

I hope you enjoy this video. I haven’t watched it for a long time!
Do you like that song?