Himeji Castle
Our world turned blue yesterday – Sunday, April 2nd. It was World Autism Awareness Day. Thousands of people from all walks of life purchased blue light bulbs to display inside and outside their homes, offices, and even international monuments to show that they care. Scary statistics have revealed that autism prevalence has increased 78% in just the past five years. It is continuously rising as we speak. Part of the increase has to do with the increase in awareness thanks to greater concentration on the topic.
In 2007 the United Nations General Assembly declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day, intended to draw the world’s attention to autism, a pervasive disorder that affects tens of millions.

The Great Sphinx and Great Pyramids of Giza
The day aims to raise awareness on ways to tackle autism at different levels- medical, parental, social and psychological levels. Light It Up Blue is a unique global initiative that kicks-off Autism Awareness Month and helps raise awareness about autism. In honor of this day, many iconic landmarks, hotels, sporting venues, concert halls, museums, bridges and retail stores are among the hundreds of thousands of homes and communities that are lit up in blue light.
SO…why is this article on a Clay Aiken board? To me, that is an easy question to answer. Clay has been a champion for all children with disabilities. For many years, Clay has worked in a hands-on way to help children with autism and their families. He taught a classroom of children with autism and, as we all know, worked one-on-one with Michael Bubel, a wonderful young man who helped change the path of Clay’s life.
Thank you, Clay, for opening our minds and hearts to the struggle of families affected by Autism. We have learned so much.

La Basilica de la Sagrada Familia
These pictures are so beautiful. It is hard to pick only a few!
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