Clay Aiken – “The Right Side of History”

Thursday was a busy day for Clay Aiken.  He had the opportunity to speak on two different TV shows about  same-sex marriage.

In the early evening, Clay paid a visit to Ed Schultz, to discuss President Barack Obama‘s gay marriage announcement.

The Internet site, Media-ite wrote about Clay’s visit:

Aiken said the president’s support has an “incredible impact” — specifically to young LGBT people who will be empowered by hearing their president speak out for their rights. The president’s stepping out on “the right side of history” is particularly notable, he said, because of his stature as such a prominent figure.

Pivoting to today’s story about Mitt Romney’s reported high school anti-gay bullying incident, Aiken responded that it’s “heartbreaking” and “a little frightening” — coming from someone who has been bullied. Romney’s apology, he said, was “disheartening” because it “was sort of half-assed, if you will.”

On a more political note, Aiken noted the contrast between the two choices in November. They have starkly different records on LGBT rights, he said, and Obama is the most accepting president we’ve had.

Clay did a great job.  He was articulate, knowledgeable, and heartfelt as he talked about a topic so important to him

Clay also appeared on the show, ShowBiz Tonight.  The following is from the ShowBiz site:

Clay Aiken is ecstatic over President Obama’s recent decision to publicly support gay marriage. Showbiz Tonight spoke to the openly-gay singer about comments made by Bristol Palin on her blog criticizing Obama for his gay-marriage bombshell. Plain writes, ‘While it’s great to listen to your kids’ ideas, there’s also a time when dads simply need to be dads. In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage.’ Aiken doesn’t believe Palin will be affected by his marriage to another male and that he should be afforded the same rights as everybody else. The ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ contestant has a new album, Steadfast, available now.

Clay was dressed a bit more casual for this show, but still looked professional.  He did an amazing job of talking about the topic and had a lot of screen-time.

Will there be more interviews tomorrow?

Do you think Clay is doing a good job as a spokesperson for gay-marriage?

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