Clay Aiken – Celebrating July 1st

Today is  Canada Day. It’s Canada’s national day and is a federal holiday celebrating the July 1, 1867 enactment of the British North America Act (now called the Constitution Act 1867).

This united two British colonies and a province of the British Empire into a single country called Canada. In French it’s called Fete du Canada.

Today, Canada Day is celebrated with fireworks, concerts, cookouts, and sports games. Canada’s capital, Ottawa, Ontario, hosts the most holiday activities. There are countless events, activities, and festivals to be found throughout the city in the city streets, parks,and museums. Fireworks are launched from Parliament Hill to conclude a day of patriotic festivities.

Clay Aiken has performed many times in Canada. He was there for the American Idol Tour during Season 2 and he has brought some of his tours to Canada. He also knows Canada because of his close relationship with two Canadian friends, David Foster and Jaymes Foster…. And his son is 1/2 Canadian!!

Clay was a judge for David Foster’s Star Search and was a big hit. The event took place at the River Rock Casino Resort in Redmond, BC on September 9th, 2006. The next night, David hosted the “David Foster and Friends Charity Gala.” Clay Aiken was a performer that night and helped David raise money for his charity by being a part of an auction.

Windsor, Ontario was a stop for Clay and Ruben on August 5, 2010.  Caesar’s was the venue that night for the Timeless Tour.

On August 25, 2005, Clay performed at the Molson Amphitheater in Toronto as a part of his Jukebox Tour. It was a huge success!!  I had so much fun watching YouTubes of the concert to decide which one to put on the blog today.

We all wish the best to all of our Canadian Friends. Have a wonderful day!!

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