On Wednesday, September 16th, CNN hosted the 2nd GOP debate for President of the USA. There were 15 Republicans who were on the stage…in two different groups.
Clay Aiken was there to cover the debate for Entertainment Tonight.
It was hard to know who was the star of the evening…it seemed that Clay Aiken got a lot of the attention. He was supposed to interview others, but he was interviewed and reported on almost as much as the debaters.
Because of twitter, it was easy to watch Clay as he worked his way through the event.
There is so many tweets and pictures that I cannot even begin to post them all. I will post many and keep the others for another day.
Remember, if you click on the picture, it will expand so you can see it better!!

Jessica HopperVerified account@jesshop23 Did I spot @clayaiken going through security at #GOPDebate or is it a doppelgänger ?
Scott Bixby @scottbix
Clay Aiken is walking around in the filing center as ‘Entertainment Tonight’ sets up its cameras. This is the weirdest election ever.
Robin Abcarian @AbcarianLA
I’m sorry, Lindsey Graham, what were you saying? Clay Aiken just walked by. #GOPDebate

Paul Raphel @paulraphel Previous #PoliticKING guest @clayaiken in the #CNNDebate Spin Room #GOPDebate #OraPolitics
Just passed a besuited Clay Aiken telling a reporter, “I’ll run again eventually…”
Clay Aiken is in the building. This is not a drill. #spinroom#cnndebate

Hunter Schwarz Verified account @hunterschwarz 51s52 seconds ago Clay Aiken in the spin room interviewing for ET

Hadas Gold Verified account @Hadas_Gold 3m3 minutes ago Yes that’s clay Aiken interviewing Dana bash Brian Selter of CNN favorited this tweet.
Clay was interviewed by Chris Matthews on Hardball after the debates!
Clay is scheduled to be on Entertainment Tonight on Thursday evening. Check your TV Guide for the correct channel and time.
If there is other news or pictures of Clay, I will post them during the day so check in during the day!!
Believe it or not, I only posted about 1/2 of the pictures I found last night!
Did you get to see Clay on Hardball last night?
If you missed Hardball, you can see it Here