It is always fun to read great reviews about Clay Aiken and his music. Sometimes the articles are on big, nationally known sites, but sometimes you find a Gem on a small blog. I found this one a few years ago and I still like it!!
David Armstrong is the writer of the following blog. He describes himself as ” Occasional writer, part-time actor, weekend improviser, former dancer, former singer.”
A few years ago, David wrote a blog titled The Only 7 Christmas Songs I Can Stand Anymore. The following is what he had to say about Clay:
4.) Don’t Save It All For Christmas Day – Clay Aiken
The schlockiest holiday song I have on my list is this cover of Celine Dion’s Christmas song by American Idol season 2 runner-up Clay Aiken.
Like any Christmas song, the message is incredibly simple, and it’s not overdone here. Sung live, Aiken really powers out the key change note and it’s awe-inspiring. On the recording, it’s a little more subdued, but by no means less impressive.
The thing that separates Aiken from Celine for me too is that I believe Aiken when he sings it. I believe him when he sings anything. There’s an inherent sincerity to his voice that Celine, for all her power and bravado, often misses for me.
I can forgive the corny lyrics and sappy, saccharine ideology if only because Clay’s voice carries absolute conviction that almost makes me say, “Oh, of course, why didn’t I think of doing this sooner!?”
Now…that’s a fun review!

Joyful Noise Tour – 2005

Joyful Noise Tour – 2007
I hope you enjoy this great video!!
Happy Times – It’s Almost Christmas!