We learned last week that Clay Aiken was being honored by the Family Equality Council. Today, Clay’s Official Fan Club posted the following announcement on the public side of the board:
On Tuesday, April 21st, at Family Equality Council’s Night at the Tavern event in New York City, Clay will receive the Equality Circle Award for his commitment to loving families of all kinds, taking a stand, and sharing his journey to parenthood proudly. Family Equality Council is proud to honor Clay for all of his work on behalf of children and for all that he does to make the world a safer place for his own child and the children of LGBT parents everywhere. Tickets to join Clay at this special event are $250 and all revenue goes to support the important work of Family Equality Council. For a limited time, Family Equality Council is holding a limited number of tickets specifically for Clay’s fans. If you would like participate in this special event, please email FECtickets@clayonline.com for more information.