Happy Friday to All!! It is almost the week-end!!!
The newsobserver.com has a section called Under The Dome. The site says:
Under the Dome is your inside source on North Carolina politics and government and has been a regular feature in The N&O since 1934. Check here for the latest on state and federal government, political advocacy and upcoming elections. This blog is maintained by the N&O politics staff.
On Thursday, August 28th, Lynn Bonner wrote a short blog about Clay Aiken for Under The Dome:
Aiken fundraiser in Cary
Clay Aiken is having a fundraiser in Cary hosted by Mary Laurie Cece and Kristin Replogle. Cece is the lawyer in the state Treasurer’s office. Replogle is a member of the President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts for the Kennedy Center. Her husband, John Replogle, used to run Burt’s Bees and is CEO of Seventh Generation, a brand of “green” cleaning products. The Sept. 9 fundraiser is a barbecue, and $50 will get you in. Aiken, a recording artist and former reality-show contestant, is in his first political campaign. He’s a Democrat running against Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers in the Republican-leaning 2nd Congressional District.

Patricia “Tricia” Shields – Clay Aiken! A remarkable man, who is committed to serving North Carolina.
ClayForNorthCarolina posted the following information on their Facebook page:

My shirt arrived on Thursday and it feels soft and looks great.
As we get ready for the Labor Day week-end, I look forward to hearing about all the exciting things that will be on Clay’s to-do list.
Do you have plans for the week-end?