Politicon – Day Two!
Hello from the Burbank Airport! This small airport is only 14 miles from Pasadena, California!
Politicon was amazing. There was so much to see and hear. I saw 4 or 5 events on Sunday and enjoyed each one. There were over 10,000 people there and the lines were long…but it was fun seeing so many people that you recognized from TV and other events. Each celebrity seemed to stop and allow “selfies” and autographs!
This blog will be short. Time is flying and I have a flight to catch. So…enjoy these pictures!! Many thanks to those who found these pictures and shared with us!!

The beginning of the College Debate…Clay was the moderator! Thank you, SueReu for the picture.

Congrats to the winner of the debate!
I do know that Getty many pictures of Clay from the event…Unfortunately, I cannot post those pictures on a public board. But…you might see them if you look at Getty Pictures.