Clay Aiken – News…Our Community To The World!

01-13-17Banner Winter

Did you watch BOLD on Friday?  I found it to be very interesting.  I learned a lot about the current relationship between Russia and the United States.  Carrie Sheffield showed her knowledge of Russia and Clay Aiken posed many questions about the subject.


Maria Snegovaya was impressive as she talked about her home country of Russia.  She was adamant that it was important that the United States watch Putin carefully as he tries to influence the Russian people.

Author, Lisa Dickey, was interesting as she talked about her 3 trips across Russia in 20 years.  I look forward to reading her book, Bears In The Streets : Three Journeys Across a Changing Russia.

If you didn’t have a chance to watch, I highly recommend that you take a moment and listen.  Clay said that he learned a lot and I certainly did too.


You can see the entire show HERE   Just scroll past the article.


On Friday, Clay posted a great article and picture on Facebook.  Did you see it?

Good news. Our man, Jerome, has had his last surgery for now. He’s sitting on his own and is FINALLY (🙌🏻) out of the hospital and in a rehab facility!!! #praises The road ahead is still very long! To those who have been able to lend a hand already… Jerome and his family thank you so much. Lots of healing and life changes ahead. If you’re inclined and moved to help him as he continues his fight… #jeromebell  #healing#caring #rehab #lendahand #helpothers


I am sure we are all wishing Jerome the very best.  It is so nice to hear that surgeries are over for now and see Jerome sitting up is a huge step!  I hope you all will help Jerome if you can!!

Jerome….I look forward to seeing you soon and hope you will feel good enough to attend the Gala this year!



Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain