I am always amazed when I read about the many events that Clay Aiken participates in each day. It is interesting to see the diverse groups that he works with each day. Friday was a fascinating day watching Clay as he made his way through District 2, of North Carolina.
Clay started the day in Spring Lake. Clay sent the following tweet!

Clay Aiken @ClayForNC Delivered meals on wheels in Spring Lake this morning. Great way to spend a Friday.
I don’t know about you, but I think that was a great thing to do. I would have loved to see the look on the faces of some of the people when Clay knocked on the door!
We learned from Facebook that Clay stayed in Spring Lake. It seems that Clay stopped by the Boys and Girls Club Spring Lake. They have a Summer Feeding Program and Clay stopped in to speak with the kids!
Clay also took some time to visit a senior center. It looked like they enjoyed talking to Clay!
Chris V. Rey is the mayor of Spring Lake and has been very supportive of Clay and his campaign. He tweeted the following:
Mayor Chris V. Rey @ChrisRey4NC
Thank you @ClayForNC for stopping by our city today. The Senior Citizens and the Children at the Boys & Girls Club loved you. #Vote2014
Paul Woolverton of the fayobserver.com posted a very informative article about Clay on Friday. It is filled with information I did not know. The following are just a few paragraphs from the article.
fayobserver: People’s Biz: #NC02 candidate Clay Aiken visits twice for military, veteran issues
Second Congressional District Democratic candidate Clay Aiken visited Fayetteville twice this week in his effort to unseat Republican incumbent Renee Ellmers.On Tuesday, Aiken was one of a bevy of politicians who attended the N.C. Defense and Economic Development Trade Show at Fayetteville Technical Community College.
Although he is not an elected official, Aiken was invited on stage along with organizers, state and federal lawmakers and military members for a ribbon-cutting to ceremonially launch the event…
…And as he moved about the grounds, people frequently stopped the famous pop singer to pose for photos. Meanwhile, a young man with a video camera constantly followed him around. The man was a political tracker, someone hired to video record politicians in effort to capture them saying or doing something embarrassing or politically damaging…
…On Wednesday, Aiken was back in Fayetteville, this time for a roundtable discussion with a few dozen people of issues important to military communities and veterans.
He met with local elected officials, veterans and military spouses, spokeswoman Tucker Middleton said.
Based on that meeting, Aiken said on Friday, he thinks the federal government needs to provide more impact aid to Cumberland County…
I hope you will visit the fayobserver and read the entire article. You can see it at FAYOBSERVER
It looks like these two ladies enjoyed their Friday at work!!

Della Gould Jordan Wow. ..just met Clay Aiken here at work! He’s out doing ‘meet & greets’ here around Fayetteville as he is running for Congress. What a down to earth guy! And he takes a great selfie too!!

Just another Friday at the office…Oh and Clay Aiken stopped by. #clayaiken #americanidol #runningforcongress #fridayrandom #politics #tgif
Wasn’t Friday a fun day?
Did you enjoy reading all about Campaign Day and seeing all the new pictures of Clay?
And…now…what happens this week-end?