Clay Aiken made my job very easy on Tuesday. He wrote the message for today…on his Facebook page!
From Clay Aiken at

Junior Valentine At farmers market gonna ask good Ole Clay a few questions. Why not? — at Asheboro Farmers Market. Met @ClayAiken just now. He is a nice guy. No one was around and he stopped a news interview to talk to us. Catrina got star struck but he and I talked like pals. I think more of him as local talent than politician or role model but he is progressive and could help this state ease up on some crazy statutes, laws and drug policies. As well as other issues that affect people of ALL backgrounds and statuses not just the elite LikeLike

Aaron Barrera . I’m from California and this weekend I came to North Carolina to visit my mother-in-law and now I wish I lived here so that I could#voteclayaikenforcongress this Nov 4th. But since I can’t, a little activism will do it! #voteclay #clayaiken

Time Out Sports Grill added 2 new photos. Look who stopped in to Time Out today! #clay #aiken #tosg
There was an “interesting” article published today at the website TMP(Talking Points Memo)…with a mention of Clay! The following is the Clay mention!
TMP – The Wackiest House Races Of 2014
In North Carolina, American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken is running a remarkably good campaign to unseat Republican Rep. Renee Ellmers in a deeply conservative district — where the deck is stacked against any Democrat.
“He is pretty clearly a superior debater. But that district was drawn to protect Republicans by carving just about every African American and Democrat out of it as possible,” Wasserman said. “If this district were a fair fight district, Aiken would make for one of the more impressive transitions from Hollywood to politics.”
You can read the entire article for all the “wacky” races at TMP
According to the calendar, Clay will be busy again today. There are 2 things on the calendar, however, I am sure he will be making numerous stops along the way:
10:00AM to Noon – North Carolina State Fair
6:30PM – Town Hall Meeting in Dunn, North Carolina