Clay Aiken – A Need To Increase Funding For Education

The town of Raeford, in Hoke County, NC is the home of  The Hoke Reading/Literacy Council.  This wonderful organization provides basic literacy instruction including classes in English as a Second Language and computer classes.  Their goal is that all people can further their education so that they can build a better life.

On Saturday,  Sepetember 6th, the Hoke Reading/Literacy Council had a grand Celebration.  One purpose of the evening was to honor the students and teachers who worked hard during the 2013-2014.

There were two outstanding speakers at the celebration. The first guest speaker was Mr. Earl Mills.  An author of several books, Mr. Mills told of not being able to read as he was growing up. He shared with the audience how he overcame those difficulties.

The second speaker of the night was Clay Aiken, the democratic candidate for the 2nd Congressional district in North Carolina.  Clay spoke about the need for increased funding for education and support for teachers.  As a former teacher, Clay spoke from his heart.

The Hoke Reading/Literacy Council has an active Facebook page.  The site posted many pictures and news from the Celebration.  The following are a few of the pictures of Clay at the event.


It is always great to see Clay supporting education for all.  And, he looks so comfortable with these wonderful people.


The American Journalism Review published a fun article today and they used Clay Aiken as a positive example!  The following is the section about Clay!

AJR – 5 Ways Reporters Can Capitalize on the Selfie Fad

1. Political News:

Met a family of supporters in Fayetteville. Had some help perfecting the photo. #ncpol #nc02

Selfies have fundamentally changed the way politicians interact on the campaign trail.

As The Washington Post points out, candidates must field multiple selfie requests, prompting at least one candidate, former American Idol star Clay Aiken, running for Congress in North Carolina’s second district, to offer to take them himself to save time.

I think Clay has become a “selfie” expert!!  And I find it fun that they would use Clay and his picture in their article.  You can read the entire article at  AJR


I hope you didn’t miss the mid-day blog on Monday.  It is filled with great screen caps and a link to the video interview Clay did on UNCTV.  The article will be on page two and is titled, “Interview ON UNCTV”   What an excellent interview!

So…what exciting event will Clay participate in today?




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