On Monday, I mentioned that it had been 7 days since we had heard from Clay Aiken…I even suggested that I would enjoy a tweet about broccoli.
Well, nothing about any vegetable, but we have gotten some tweets from Clay! On Monday, Clay tweeted:
Dumb question: If the Treasury can mint $1 trillion coin to spend on debt, why cant it mint a $16 trillion coin & pay off the debt entirely?
(Hmmm…A little sarcasm do you think?)
Then on Tuesday, Clay sent a few more tweets:
Clay Aiken @clayaiken
Worth a read! Lazy Corporate Monopolies Are Why America Can’t Have Nice Things http://huff.to/WIAcDC
8:57 AM – 8 Jan 13
Never too early to think about the one you love. Send an “Inclusion-gram” to your special someone for Valentine’s Day –http://www.inclusionproject.org/news.php?id=179
AND…Clay re-tweeted this:
Clay Aiken @clayaiken
YES! How’s right after MLK Day?! RT @Tiffanylovesc: @clayaiken Can you please do
a video chat soon? Missing you
Did you read this? A new video chat after MLK Day! When Clay posts the details, I will make sure they are posted here too.
Thank you, Clay!! It is always great to read your tweets and they certainly are not boring. You introduce us to so many different ideas.
As much fun it is to read Clay’s tweets, I am still a bit puzzled. I think that most fans are glad that Clay is reaching out to fans with his tweets…why aren’t we reaching out too?
Clay has over 50,000 followers on twitter…that means that 50,000 people can see what Clay tweets. If this is so, why did only 79 people re-tweet Clay? That’s less than 1% that responded to him. Since fans always talk about the tweets, I am assuming that most people don’t understand the importance of the re-tweets.
Retweeting is central to Twitter. In fact, it’s one of Twitters most useful tools. There are many reasons to retweet:
- Getting Clay’s content retweeted is a powerful way to drive traffic to his site. This usually translates to an increase in followers.
- Retweets increase a persons visibility and the reach in the online community…including a persons ranking in search engines.
- It enables Clay to connect and build relationships with new people, including potential fans and people of influence.
- The more retweets, the more people give credit to your content and credibility.
According to Kelly Kautz, a successful marketing consultant:
The most obvious and important benefit to being retweeted is the promotion of your Twitter account (and by default your website). If your content is deemed interesting or important enough to be retweeted then you will be seen to be influential and knowledgeable. Your content will also be seen by a much wider audience of potential customers.
Your followers are not only giving you promotion but they are in effect endorsing your company to their followers and associating themselves with you. Personal recommendations are extremely powerful social proof when deciding on products or services and a retweet can be a wide-reaching and important recommendation.
Read more from Kelly Kautz
So…since it takes only a minute to push the re-tweet button, we need to step up and help. I do realize that some of you may not agree with “political Clay” and so, easy…skip those, but why only 28 re-tweets about the Valentine’s from The National Inclusion Project? When you finish reading here, why not re-tweet that Clay tweet. We can still get the word out.
So…what do you think? Can we see how many re-tweets we can get on the Valentine tweet? With over 50,000 followers, can we get 100, 500, re-tweets? You can do it right from this site. What an easy way to support Clay.
If you need help, please ask. There are many here who can help you with twitter.
Please let me know what you think. Your opinion is very important!