Together We Make A Difference

Fans of Clay Aiken know about his passion and commitment to children and their inclusion into all programs and they know about the Bubel/Aiken Foundation. But, what has the foundation been up to recently??

Clay Aiken

Clay Aiken

This month, the Institute on Community Integration unveiled a new inclusive service learning program, Together We Make a Difference. In conjunction with the Bubel/Aiken Foundation, the program brings together K – 12 students with and without disabilities to make a positive difference in their communities.

The program which took 3 years to develop was funded by a $190,400 grant from the Bubel/Aiken Foundation. According to Kristy Barnes, the project’s director at the Bubel/Aiken Foundation, both the Institute on Community Integration and the Bubel/Aiken Foundation invested a significant amount of time and worked as equal partners in the creation of this unique curriculum. The goal is to engage all youth in service learning and teach social and life skills to all children. Another goal is to help dispel stereotypes about people with disabilities.

In just a few weeks, the first program will be released: Together We Make a Difference: An Inclusive Service Learning Curriculum for Elementary Learners With and Without Disabilities. This is the first of three curricula to be used in schools and youth organizations. Later in 2009, the two other programs will be released.

The program, which provides teachers with lesson plans includes national standards in English and Social Studies. It was field tested in seven schools in Minnesota,  North Carolina and California during the past two years. Students and teachers were asked for feedback which helped shape the development of the program.

Kristy Barnes is the project’s director at the Bubel/Aiken Foundation. Kristy said of the project;  “The Bubel/Aiken Foundation is excited about the impact of this curriculum.  By giving children the opportunity to learn more about each other and make a difference in their community, we will see what young people of all abilities are capable of doing together.”

Six years ago, Clay Aiken had a college dream. He wanted to make a difference. It must be very exciting and fulfilling for him to see the dream grow and develop into a leadership role in the field of Inclusion for All Children.

For more information, visit the Institute on Community Integration

Bubel/Aiken Foundation

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17 thoughts on “Together We Make A Difference

  1. I hate crying at work. All I can say is that I’m so very proud of Clay and all the good work that he has done and continues to do. He truly does make a difference in this world.

  2. I think if Clay had the choice of what legacy he would want to leave, music or service, I think he would choose service. This is a wonderful article. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for the article. I’m so pleased to see how much the foundation has accomplished in such a short time.

    This type of curriculum has been needed for such a long time. People want to help, but some just don’t know how. This will give educators’ the information they need to meet the goal of inclusion for all children.

    Kudos to BAF and it’s founder, Clay Aiken.

  4. Thank you so much for including the Bubel/Aiken foundation news in here. It’s good to hear what they’re up to. It’s hard to believe that the organization has only been around for a handful of years. He once said he’d like to make a difference, I think he’s making that difference in many children’s lives.

  5. This is so wonderful and I’m all schmoopy now – hes such an amazing man with a mission to help as many kids as he can.

    I love him.

  6. I agree that Clay would choose service.
    I am thrilled to learn about this program.
    Very informative article.

  7. I am so proud of Clay, in such a short time he has accomplished so much.
    He certainly is making a difference in the lives of children.
    Thank you for this article.

  8. As a teacher, I am just so excited to read this. It sounds like a wonderful program. I just could not be more proud of Clay. Many times when we think he is on “vacation” and he is not making public appearances, I’m sure he is very busy with this important work. God bless that man!!! We are surely blessed to have him.

  9. Fantastic article! It is amazing all that Clay and The Bubel/Aiken Foundation has accomplished in just a few short years. At the rate they are going, their program will become the standard by which all others are measured!

  10. Things like this article are why I really, really love this man. He goes about his life making a huge difference in so many childrens’ lives without a peep.

    He knows what is important in the world and he finds a way to make it happen. I am very proud to be a supporter of the BAF and their mission.

    Thanks for bringing this here.

  11. Clay Aiken is making a difference in so many lives. It is exactly what he wanted to do! I am very proud of him and everyone associated with the BAF.

  12. Great blog. This made me cry.

    Six years ago, Clay Aiken had a college dream. He wanted to make a difference. It must be very exciting and fulfilling for him to see the dream grow and develop into a leadership role in the field of Inclusion for All Children.

    I am so proud of Clay and the foundation.

  13. TBAF is really growing! Clay and all the good people behind this foundation continue to make a BIG difference in the lives of our children!
    THANK YOU and MORE POWER TO YOU!BTW, did I already mention that I am liking CANN? Very much! Clay, I love you. POOB! (Proud of our boy)

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